
What To Do If Your Xiaomi Crashes With An Mi Account?

What To Do If Your Xiaomi Crashes With An Mi Account?

One of the features of MIUI, the personalization layer of the Xiaomi mobile brand that runs on Android, is that it asks you to register an account. The MI account is personal and non-transferable and is one of the most important security elements in your Xiaomi smartphone since no one can unlock it except you, not even a mobile repair service. 

That is why once you create this account it is essential that you memorize the password or have it written down somewhere, since you may have a problem if you lose it. However, many users have found the unpleasant surprise that after accepting a recent update via OTA to have the latest version of MIUI, v8, they have found that the phone asked them for the password of their MI account. When I entered it, I told them that it was incorrect, with which the smartphone remained blocked. 

While MIUI is a very stable system with a large team of developers behind, sometimes when they launch automatic updates, small failures or bugs that generate problems in the mobile. That is why it is advisable not to update immediately, but to wait a reasonable time so that the company can solve those possible problems that present the updates at the beginning. 

If your Xiaomi phone has been blocked with an IM account, giving you an error when trying to enter the password, here is what you should do: 

Write 4 zeros (0000) in the place where you ask for the key. Then it will tell you that the password is incorrect but you must do it repeatedly. You can get up to ten attempts before the mobile ends by restarting on its own. Once it has been rebooted you will have access to the desktop of the mobile and use it normally without asking for the password of the MI account. 

Remember that this problem is not from your phone, but from Xiaomi, and it will not do you any good to process the guarantee. Put into practice the solution that we propose and next time remember not to immediately accept the update, since you can have the same problem again. 
5 Best Exercises to Build Your Upper Chest Rock Hard

5 Best Exercises to Build Your Upper Chest Rock Hard

Your brawny and athletic chest is something you want. For this, you have to take four to three hour’s vigorous exercise. You can attain your dream hefty body by following these five exercise techniques.

Barbell Bench Press

Perfectly shaped pec muscles indicate your intense workout. Purpose of exercise and workout is not just to make a huge mountain of flesh and fats rather a trimmed muscular body suitable for gym cum beach modeling.
Your very first day at the gym might be a worry some while looking at professionals. But there is nothing to worry about, just go ahead and ask them how to work on Barbell Bench Press. During your early days you will find it difficult to get a dream body, but after few weeks your dream will come true.

Push-Ups with Rotation on power tower

As it is often heard and said that OLD IS GOLD. Push up is a traditional way to gain patience, power and a fully developed muscular body. Many push-ups vary for different people but ten push-ups in every four minutes is a quick and easy way to get the needful. Changing the movements of your upper and lower limbs alternatively along with push-ups on power tower. By changing positions and postures, you will work on various muscles without getting bored. 
Professional bodybuilders have some golden words regarding push-ups. According to them, it is the best exercise to shape up your body using power tower.

Chest squeeze push up 

While performing push-ups bringing the dumbbells together in a synchronized manner will help you in building your stamina, increasing your endurance. It also provides you with extra energy for combatting stress and depression.

Grease the Groove

If building a muscular chest is your main objective, then thirty to forty minutes’ workout with various chest exercises will help you to get Sylvester Stallone like body. You must get your body into action with simple set steps of chest workout. But keep in mind that you must not keep working on a specific muscle group as it may be hazardous. According to experts, two days’ rest is a must, as it is considered as recovery time if you are focusing on a complete body workout in a week with three days of chest exercises.

Cable Crossovers

This exercise is one of a must chest workout. Design your pec routine consisting of cable crossovers, incline dumbbell press, flat bench or machine press. Cable crossovers is a recommended shortcut for attaining your dream body.


People often suffer from severe gym injuries. To keep yourselves protected you must use a spotter. There is a recommended easy way to keep yourself away from gym injuries which are warming up your body for about ten to fifteen minutes. After warming up, you must take a rest for about 5 minutes before beginning with your routine exercises. If you are already suffering from some injury, then you must consult a gym adviser before starting on a new exercise.

Things To Add To Your Bath For Relaxation.

Things To Add To Your Bath For Relaxation.

Chilling in a bathtub filled with hot water at the end of the day’s works helps in fighting stress, tiredness, and fatigue of a busy day at the office. It is very important to get rid of anxieties and stress.

  A mildly warm bath is always relaxing. If you like to sing and hear your voice resonate within the comfort of your bathroom, where you apparently are the best singer in the world or maybe you like to soak in the water to calm your nerves. Moreover, whatever may be your reason for taking a shower, there are some materials you can add to your bathwater to make your skin look fresh, healthy, and rejuvenated.  That being said, here are somethings to add to your bath for relaxation.


Oatmeal is a nutritious breakfast; it also performs wonders as far as the skin is concerned, especially those with itchy and dry skin. In fact, you will admire the way your skin feels after adding some to your bath. To achieve this, add about a half mug of oatmeal to a cheesecloth. Don’t add it directly to your bath or you will risk having a big bathtub filled with yummy oatmeal. Place the oatmeal-filled cheesecloth under warm running water and rub on the skin gently.

Baking Soda

Put about four to five tablespoons of baking soda into your bath perform wonders as far as the neutralizing skin acidity is concerned.  It also supports the elimination of toxins in and on your body. It calms, relieves irritation and soothes your skin just by immersing your body in a bathtub with filled with baking soda. It is an easy way to detox your body from alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and other medications.

3. Epsom Salt:
 Epsom salt is very good for treating for skin- related problems.  Mix two cups of the salt with the bathwater in a tub and immerse yourself in it. It helps in fighting soreness and inflammation.  Moreover, Epsom salt baths are also good for relaxing and calming the mind and body.  Why not try Epsom salt bath thrice a week.

Essential Oils:

Aromatherapy is a very good way to reduce stress naturally. However, essential oils have some beneficial effect on the skin. Furthermore, oils like lavender, tea tree, Frankincense, lemongrass, or eucalyptus also helps to soothe sore muscles and headaches.


Ginger has an effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it very exceptional for fighting sinus congestion, or respiratory problems. When you add ginger to your bathwater, it warms your body up and helps you sweat out toxins, which helps you naturally get rid of the body virus.

Fresh Lemon Juice:

Lemons contain vitamin C, which is a very good antioxidant that nourishes skin cells.  When you add about 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice to your bath; it makes your skin looking shiny and healthy.   Moreover, the lemon juice shrinks your pores, which makes it difficult for excess dirt and oils to enter; so add it to your baths to enjoy its benefits.

 Most of the famous beauties, like Cleopatra, attributed their face to milk baths. When you soak in milk, your skin absorbs the protein and fat, which moisturizes your skin and leave it smooth. Moreover, milk’s lactic acid help to remove dead skin cells and reduce the of dark spots.

Bentonite Clay
Bentonite clay can remove heavy metal toxins from the body by drinking a lot of water, and it is also present in some types of food.  Moreover, if you do not need detox regularly, these heavy metals can build up in the body to cause different of health issues. Add a scoop of bentonite clay to your bath, and it will draw toxins out of the body, and it is also useful for relieving stress and aching muscles.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a very important ingredient with a lot of health benefits. Add some cups of apple cider vinegar to your bath. It improves blood circulation in of the skin, soothes any inflammation, fights any infection and balances the PH of the skin.

In Conclusion, some people take a hot bath to fight muscle pain.  However, you can improve your bath experience by adding certain things to your bathwater instead of using chemical-related products to your bath, why consider adding some natural ingredient to your bath. 

How to Write an SEO Text That Positions

How to Write an SEO Text That Positions

Everything you have been told about how to write SEO texts is a lie. Pass tags, pass semantic latency and keyword stuffing. Less TAGS, more FLOW.

Writing an SEO text is simple.  Good SEO content is the one that best answers a user’s question. White and bottled.
Google earns money being the best search engine that exists- after our mother, as she has to go and look, you charge-, and for that, she needs to provide you with the content that best responds to your question, which you raise in the form of a search.
Optimizing the technical elements helps a little, but it is not essential and it is not, by far, as important as making content that you like.
Now, how do you write an SEO article? What do we have to know to write a correct text at the SEO level?

Things that work in SEO texts

Do not worry, we’re not going to go into technical things: it’s common sense applied, like everything in SEO.


It is true that generally, an article has to be directed to a keyword or topic that is being sought.
That is why it is important that you know that it does not matter if you hesitate between “car rental,” “car rental” or “rent a car.” The important thing is what is behind, that is, if the user’s intention corresponds to the purpose of your content, any of the options will be correct.
Do you know what you are looking for more? As in principle you have no idea (nor do I) what you do is go to tools like Übersuggest to give you search ideas, and Google Keyword Planner, Keywords Everywhere or SemRush to tell you the volume of each of them.
If you want more information about this, you can look for more information in our keyword guide for SEO.
When you have identified several that look good, do the searches yourself on Google and see which one has the strongest competition.
At first glance you can identify it by seeing if they are powerful websites or not (better compete against Paco’s blog than Amazon), and if you doubt, you can use tools like ahrefs to look at the links that each URL has. If you have many links, it will be stronger than if you have few or none.


The URL has to be fully optimized for the keyword or topic on which the content revolves. Eliminate words that do not add value, such as conjunctions, prepositions and other stop words.
Wrong: /the-10-best-electric-cars-what-they-will-in-the-2014/
Good: /best-electric cars-2014/
Regarding the extension, there is no recommended maximum, although the ideal is that the depth of the content does not exceed 3 levels.
Obviously, when we talk about posts in a blog, the ideal is that the part of the URL referring to the content is on a first level.

The title has to be molar

How many posts have been made on how to write an SEO text? You have to add something that differentiates it from the other 50,000 equals, and the title must be your declaration of intent.
Wrong: How to write SEO texts
Good: 10 secrets to write SEO texts that no one else will tell you.
Keep in mind that the title must have between 50 and 70 characters to appear full in the search engines.
But you know what? A longer title may have more engagement in social networks, encouraging you to generate traffic, links and social signals (and this will mean better positions).

Top 10 Countries Where Bitcoin is Prohibited – Including INDIA

Top 10 Countries Where Bitcoin is Prohibited – Including INDIA

Even though Bitcoin is still not known worldwide, and some countries have taken “measures” they forbade the use of this cryptocurrency in their territories. This fear of Bitcoin is because they know their potential to banish national currencies and thus ensure that the population does not depend on third parties in the management of their money. CCNews published the following list of 10 countries where you may have problems if you want to use bitcoin, either because it is prohibited by national laws or by the central banks of these countries.
1. Bangladesh
The Central Bank of Bangladesh gave the following statement: “bitcoin legal in UK and many other countries. Any transaction through Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency is a punishable offense. “
2. Bolivia
Bolivia, a country that sells the world its revolutionary character, seems to be very conservative in the use of money. The Central Bank of Bolivia declared: “It is illegal to use any currency that is not issued and controlled by a government or an authorized entity.”
3. China
Although China is the country with the largest number of Bitcoin transactions, the restriction on using bitcoin is aimed at banks and their employees. However, changing or mining bitcoin is not illegal for ordinary users.
4. Ecuador
This is because Ecuador is building its own electronic money system and does not want Bitcoin as a competition.
5. Iceland
Buying bitcoin would violate the Icelandic Foreign Exchange Act.
6. India
A banking policy does not allow exchanges to exchange bitcoin for rupees (the currency of India), so it is not totally illegal, only that exchanges cannot work with national banks.
7. Russia
In practice, Bitcoin is prohibited although no law legitimizes that decision. Due to internal issues with the fall in the value of the national currency, Russia does not welcome investment in “digital” currencies.
8. Sweden
Sweden established regulations to undermine and negotiate with Bitcoin that, although they do not prohibit the use of this cryptocurrency, may tend to do so in the future.
9. Thailand
The Bank of Thailand said in 2013 that bitcoin is illegal, although there are still companies in that country using this cryptocurrency and bitcoin legal issues.
10. Vietnam
The Central Bank of Vietnam stated: “Bitcoin transactions are highly anonymous, so bitcoin can become a tool for crimes such as money laundering, drug trafficking, tax evasion, illegal payment.” But bitcoin legal in USA.
Bitcoin: What Is It, and Is It Right for Your Business?

Bitcoin: What Is It, and Is It Right for Your Business?

OK, then, what is Bitcoin?
It is not a real currency, it is “cryptocurrency”, a form of digital payment that is produced (“mined”) by many people around the world. It allows point-to-point transactions instantly, worldwide, for free or at very low cost.
Bitcoin was invented after decades of research in cryptography by software developer Satoshi Nakamoto (believed to be a pseudonym), who designed the algorithm and introduced it in 2009. His true identity remains a mystery.
This currency is not backed by a tangible asset (such as gold or silver); bitcoins are marketed online, which makes them a commodity in themselves.
Bitcoin is an open source product that can be accessed by anyone who is a user. All you need is an email address, Internet access and money to start.
Where does it come from?
Bitcoin is extracted in a distributed computer network of users running specialized software; the network solves certain mathematical tests and looks for a particular data sequence (“block”) that produces a particular pattern when the BTC algorithm is applied to it. A coincidence produces a bitcoin. It is complex and requires a lot of time and energy.
Only 21 million bitcoins are going to be exploited (around 11 million are currently in circulation). Mathematical problems solved by network computers become increasingly difficult to keep mining operations and supply under control.
This network also validates all transactions through cryptography.
How does Bitcoin work?
Internet users transfer digital assets (bits) to each other in a network. There is no online bank; rather, Bitcoin has been described as a ledger distributed on the Internet. Users buy Bitcoin with cash or by selling a Bitcoin product or service. Bitcoin wallets store and use this digital currency. Users can sell this virtual book by selling their Bitcoin to another person who wants to enter. Anyone can do it, anywhere in the world.
There are smartphone applications to perform Bitcoin mobile transactions and Bitcoin exchanges are occupying the Internet. 19659002] How is Bitcoin valued?
Bitcoin is not controlled or controlled by a financial institution; It is completely decentralized Unlike real-world money, it can not be devalued by governments or banks.
On the other hand, the value of Bitcoin lies simply in its acceptance among users as a form of payment and because its supply is limited. Their global monetary values fluctuate according to supply and demand and market speculation; as more people create wallets and keep and spend bitcoins, and more businesses accept it, the value of Bitcoin will increase. Banks are now trying to value Bitcoin and some investment websites predict that the price of a bitcoin will be several thousand dollars in 2014.
What are its benefits?
There are benefits for consumers and merchants who want to use this payment option.
1. Quick transactions: Bitcoin is instantly transferred through the Internet.
2. No fees / low fees: unlike credit cards, Bitcoin can be used with free or very low rates. Without the centralized institution as an intermediary, authorizations (and fees) are not required. This improves sales of profit margins.
3. Eliminates the risk of fraud: only the owner of Bitcoin can send the payment to the desired recipient, who is the only one who can receive it. The network knows that the transfer has occurred and the transactions are validated; They can not be challenged or returned. This is important for online merchants who are often subject to evaluations from credit card processors if a transaction is fraudulent or from companies that pay the high price of credit card returns.
4. The data is safe: as we have seen with recent attacks on the payment processing systems of national retailers, the Internet is not always a safe place for private data. With Bitcoin, users do not give up private information.
to. They have two keys: a public key that serves as the bitcoin address and a private key with personal data.
b. Transactions are digitally “signed” by combining public and private keys; a mathematical function is applied and a certificate is generated that shows that the user initiated the transaction. Digital signatures are unique to each transaction and can not be reused.
c. The merchant / recipient never sees your secret information (name, number, physical address) so it is somewhat anonymous but it is traceable (to the bitcoin address in the public key).
5. Convenient payment system: merchants can use Bitcoin completely as a payment system; You do not have to have any Bitcoin currency since Bitcoin can be converted to dollars. Consumers or merchants can trade Bitcoin and other currencies at any time.
6. International payments: Bitcoin is used throughout the world; Merchants and e-commerce service providers can easily accept international payments, which opens up new potential markets.
7. Easy to trace: the network tracks and permanently records each transaction in the chain of Bitcoin blocks (the database). In the case of possible irregularities, it is easier for law enforcement officials to track these transactions.
8. Micropayments are possible: bitcoins can be divided up to one hundredth millionth, so making small payments of a dollar or less becomes a free or almost free transaction. This could be a great help for convenience stores, coffee shops and subscription-based websites (videos, publications).
Are you still a bit confused? Here are some examples of transactions:
Bitcoin in the retail environment
When paying, the payer uses a smartphone application to scan a QR code with all the transaction information necessary to transfer the bitcoin to the retailer. Pressing the “Confirm” button completes the transaction. If the user does not have any Bitcoin, the network converts dollars into his account to the digital currency.
The retailer can convert that Bitcoin into dollars if desired, there were not very low processing fees (instead of 2 to 3 percent), no hacker can steal personal information from the consumer, and there is no risk of fraud. Very skillful
Bitcoins in hospitality
Hotels can accept Bitcoin for room and meal payments at the property for guests who wish to pay with Bitcoin using their mobile wallets, or from PC to website to pay for an online reservation. A commercial BTC processor from a third party can help you handle the transactions you delete over the Bitcoin network. These processing clients are installed in tablets at the reception of the establishments or in the restaurants for users with applications for smartphones of BTC. (These payment processors are also available for desktops, on retail POS systems and integrated into POS food service systems.) It is not necessary to change owners or credit cards.
These transactions without cash are fast and the processor can convert bitcoins into currency and make a direct deposit daily in the bank account of the establishment. In January 2014, it was announced that two casino-hotels in Las Vegas will accept Bitcoin payments at the reception, in their restaurants and in the gift shop.
Sounds good, what’s the trap?
Business owners should consider the problems of participation, security and cost.
• A relatively small number of ordinary consumers and merchants currently use or understand Bitcoin. However, adoption is increasing worldwide and tools and technologies are being developed to facilitate participation.
• It’s the Internet, so hackers are threats to exchanges. The Economist reported that a Bitcoin exchange was hacked in September 2013 and $ 250,000 in bitcoins were stolen from users’ online vaults. Bitcoins can be stolen like any other currency, so the vigilant security of the network, the server and the database is paramount.
• Users should carefully protect their bitcoin wallets containing their private keys. Secure or printed backups are crucial.
• Bitcoin is not regulated or insured by the US government. UU So there is no insurance for your account if the exchange stops working or is stolen by hackers.
• Bitcoins are relatively expensive. Current rates and sale prices are available in online exchanges.
The virtual currency is not yet universal, but it is gaining awareness and acceptance in the market. A company may decide to try Bitcoin to save on credit cards and bank fees, as a convenience to the customer, or to see if it helps or hinders sales and profitability.
Are you thinking about accepting Bitcoin? Do you already use it? Share your thoughts and experiences with us.