Archives September 2019

How to Hire a Copywriter for Your Ecommerce Business

How to Hire a Copywriter for Your Ecommerce Business

If there was ever a task that most e-commerce professionals do not think about starting a store , it’s writing.
Owners of small, medium and large businesses realize that they have to wear many hats, from accountant to pro marketing , but copywriter? This seems a little tedious, especially if your website contains dozens of pages associated with hundreds of products.
In this guide, we’ll explain how to find a copywriter that fits the culture of your business, even if it’s only a freelancer who will work with you on an “as needed” basis.

Why do you need to find a good copywriter for an ecommerce store?

When hiring a copywriter online, you need to look at the resumes, portfolios and everything the editor offers you.
Vetting your copywriter is extremely important because this writing (on your product pages, home page, contact page, About Us page, and everywhere else on your website) builds the entire base of your SEO .
If the editor does not look natural or if she tries to put too many buzzwords or keywords, Google will notice and hit the results of your site. Or, you’re just not going to be considered a credible place of sale.
It is also essential to appease visitors to your human site.
Obviously, you want to draw attention to places like the home page, but the product descriptions are where the real magic happens .
Now, obviously, there are many ways to write product descriptions on a platform such as Shopify or any other reason, but that’s why it’s so important to find someone who understands your culture. business and your clientele or hiring someone willing to learn.
Take, for example, BPI Sports. The editor clearly understands what bodybuilders and athletes appreciate in their supplements. She highlighted the most important nutritional facts in relation to the full description of the product. Then, the secondary information is well organized in chips.
Method Home has an extremely different clientele, so it makes sense that they hire a copywriter who thinks about artists, creators and those who might want to help non-profit organizations. It’s a simple handsoap, but this emphasis on the company sets it apart.

Choose the right places to share your Copywriter Wanted ads

Here is a fact:
You do not always need to hire the best copywriter.
For example, some product descriptions require only a few changes, or sometimes you only try to get certain products on your website without spending an arm and a leg.
In this case, the unique freelance services found at places like Upwork and are quite good. is a cluttered mess of a site, but you will find plenty of decent editors.
For the most experienced editors, it is at this point that we turn to specialized sites. It’s certainly worth doing a search on Google to locate it yourself (and you’ll find some local job sites that may also be useful), but we have a few favorites to start with:

Examples of workstation models

There is no reason to stick a copywriting workstation template in this article because there are tons of them online. In addition, yours should be modified to suit the needs of your business. All have job description templates copywriter for you to start. However, I would focus more on job postings to see what other companies have also shared.
How to Hire a Copywriter for Your Ecommerce Business
That said, we have certain rules to follow when posting your post:
  • Choose a niche – If an editor claims to do everything from blog posts to marketing materials and product descriptions, try looking elsewhere. For example, if all you need are blog posts, find someone who specializes in this. I hope in your own niche.
  • Decide on Skill Level – Not all writers are as good as others, so you can sometimes save a little money if you only need basic product descriptions.
  • Do not Hire SEO Pros – These self-proclaimed SEO professionals will never be better than an experienced copywriter knowing the basics of inserting the right keywords into their copy. Most “SEO Pros” are terrible writers.
  • Do not harp on conversion rates – A quality copywriter is not a professional analyst. You engage them to create engaging, fun or professional content. They may sprinkle some keywords for you, but the best writers are not going to work for you if you expect them to reach the conversion numbers. It’s your job, or someone else you hire.

How to hire a copywriter: veterinary candidates

When you start sharing your job posting on certain forums or communities of freelancers, waves of applications will begin to arrive.
It’s good to take a look at resumes and resumes, but it’s not very important when hiring a copywriter.
People can say anything on a resume, so you prefer to test the editor as you would if you hired a chef for a restaurant.

Round 1

The first round is where you ask the candidates to complete a test. This test has no questions, but rather tasks on which they must work.
Focus only on the projects they would do if they were hired. For example, if the job requires them to write product descriptions, pay them a little money to work on five to ten descriptions only for your company.
If they have to fill in regular blog posts, ask for one or two complete articles that they think will work well on your blog.

Round 2

After choosing your favorites, you may still have to cut a few people. If this is the case, send each candidate changes or items that may be improved. You may not be doing so much during the work process, but it can really eliminate bad writers because good writers are willing to hear comments and make changes.

Follow these methods to find a copywriter you need

The process is not so complicated once you’ve read it, but the main point to remember is that you’re trying to make your brand unique. Forget the SEO and return on investment, but find a writer who knows the language and grammar, but also makes your business unique.
What factors do you consider when hiring a copywriterShare with us in the comment section below!
Let us know if you have questions in the comments section.
Delegate the Writing of its Articles in 3 steps

Delegate the Writing of its Articles in 3 steps

You plan to create a website, but writing is not your forte? Writing articles takes a lot of time, valuable time you could spend on other more important tasks. In addition, this is not your field: you do not know how to optimize content for search engines and do not have the time or the desire to start this long learning … Have you thought to delegate the drafting from your articles to a qualified web editor ? No doubt, but how to choose the right writer  ? Follow us, we share immediately with you the 3 steps that allow to delegate content writing with confidence

Delegate the Writing of its Articles in 3 steps

1 – Delegate writing articles: find a web editor!

You have probably heard of the job of freelance SEO web editor . The SEO web editor is able to write various content: do not be afraid of the blank page and delegate the writing of your blog articles, pages, product sheets, etc. to a competent and qualified web editor.
All right, will you tell me, but how to choose the right web editor? You must find a web editor who will write content that resembles you and stick to the editorial line that you have defined for your website.
Choose preferably an editor who is accustomed to write about your theme : if it is familiar to him and that he likes it, you can be sure that he will write quickly quality texts!
You have done the trick of LinkedIn , browsed hundreds of Facebook pages of web editors, but do not know how to make your choice?
For this, ask several web editors to send you a link to their portfolio . This is a file where the web editor has indexed the texts he has written. This way, you will have a glimpse of the style of several editors and will be able to choose the one that suits you best. If you are looking for an SEO web editor, able to optimize your content for search engines , you can even study the SEO texts he has already produced.

2 – Give a test to the future editor

By discovering the portfolio of your web editor, you have an idea of ​​how it is written and you think it could match your website . To be sure, ask him to write a small test article of a few hundred words: if it suits you, you can adjust it before integrating it into your website. If it does not suit you, continue your search for writers. To evaluate the quality of your writer’s essay article, consider the following:
  • Is his level of French irreproachable?
  • Is the common thread coherent?
  • Is his editorial style right for you?
  • was the briefing respected?
  • Are its rates affordable in your situation?
If the answer each of these questions is “yes”, then, all the lights are green; congratulations, you have found your web editor and can start collaborating !

3 – Prepare a briefing before writing content

It is important to prepare a good briefing before delegating the writing of an article to an editor. The more precise you are, the more likely you are to have the item. Specify to your SEO web editor the main theme of the article, the number of words it should contain, the general structure, as well as the deadline.
Thus, you make sure to limit the round trips by mail: your editor now knows what he must do, it will be faster, but also much more effective than if you had given him a simple title without any instructions. Be careful, however, not to provide a precise TOO briefing : bridled, your web editor could have difficulties to produce a quality text, adapted to the user experience !

What you must remember :

Delegating the writing of your articles saves you valuable time

By asking a professional to produce your content , you save a lot of time. Your project is moving forward, giving you time to focus on other tasks.

Entrepreneur in e-commerce

You have delegated the drafting of your product sheets: you now have time to think about new things you could add to your site, manage your stock, take care of sending your parcels, etc. ;

Web entrepreneur

You can now devote yourself fully to the creation of your new courses, in terms of your next e-book …;


You have entrusted the writing of your Youtube subtitles to a web editor. During this time, you can focus on the themes and editing of your next Youtube videos;

4 Good Reasons to Recruit a GOOD Web Content Writer

4 Good Reasons to Recruit a GOOD Web Content Writer

Collaborative site, showcase, e-commerce, webzine or blog … Internet today offers so many opportunities to communicate about your brand that it has become a staple of the trade. So, go, you start your project and you write your first content. The time-consuming side of the exercise quickly jumps out of your eyes and giving this mission to a third person becomes obvious. But is it necessary to find a web editor or simply to call in an internal collaborator? Because becoming an author  can not be improvised, here are 4 good reasons to recruit a good web editor.
 4 Good Reasons to Recruit a GOOD Web Content Writer

1 – Recruiting a good web editor is all about saving valuable time

This is the number 1 criterion! Needless to say, time is money and the days are often too short to carry out all your missions. So, why add another one? What’s more, writing good content is very time- consuming , especially when you’re not a regular. By calling on a web copywriter , you will save valuable time, indispensable for many other projects.

2 – Hooking up the reader with hard-hitting content: a real job

Writing content is within the reach of many people. On the other hand, being able to capture the reader’s attention enough to make him want to go further is another story. Indeed, on the web, the competition is tough and the surfer is always in a hurry. He needs to be guided and reassured quickly. And if he does not find the answer to his question very quickly, he will simply change his site. After all, there is plenty of choice! Finding a good web editor is to guarantee a faithful and satisfied audience.

3 – To stand out by a style, a unique tone by finding the web editor that looks like you

In addition to quality content, what gives a site its identity is the style and tone it adopts and, more generally, the editorial line it chooses to follow. The good web editor is the one who is able to adapt to the personality of your brand while adding his personal touch , this little extra that will seduce and especially retain your readers.

4 – Hire a SEO web editor to optimize SEO

There we approach the Holy Grail: visibility on the web. All site administrators have one idea in mind: to appear on the first page of the reference search engine, Google. For that, your content must be up to Google’s algorithm and it’s not innate. Only a good web editor specializing in SEO  (Search Engine Optimization) knows all the secrets to optimize your site and give him every chance to be projected in the top of the table.

How to find and choose a good freelance copywriter?

How to find and choose a good freelance copywriter?

If you are reading this article, you are definitely looking for editors for your showcase site or for your blog. As you know, content marketing is an essential way to improve the visibility and visibility of your web activity, whatever it may be. If you have a blog, its success depends heavily on the choice of writer or editorial team. The quality of content is the sine qua non of a successful content marketing strategy. That’s why you have to work with (very) good editors with a nice pen and able to write feature articles on technical topics.
Like many, you’ve probably realized that finding a good copywriter is not easy. However, it is not the choice that is missing. Editors, you’ll find hundreds of them available. But finding the rare pearl, without breaking the bank, is a different story. The purpose of this article is simple: to offer you an effective approach to find, evaluate and choose good freelance writers without the risk of casting errors. Let’s go!
Related image
Engage writers or write articles internally?
The first question you’ve certainly asked yourself is, “What’s the best for writing content? Hire writers or write content internally, using existing human resources? The question needs to be asked. Internal collaborators do not always have the quality of editor, but they normally know very well the subjects to be treated for the blog. Freelance web content writer Delhi and best freelance content writers in India. the problem is that writing articles takes time. Your internal resources may have more to whip than spend some of their days feeding your site’s blog. Moreover, the drafting work presupposes the will. Are your employees motivated to invest in regular content marketing work? Not to mention the writing work,

For all these reasons, choosing not to hire writers is rarely the right solution. The best solution, in our opinion, is to mix both: have 3 or 4 people internally who write articles more or less regularly, and next to build a team of writers to help contribute to the blog . This synergistic organization works very well in most cases. In any case, you will not be able to override: you will have to hire editors.

find choose good copywriter example freelance web content writer Delhi and best freelance content writers in India.
The freelance web content writer Delhi and best freelance content writers in India blog, an emailing solution, is powered by both external editors and members of the internal team.
The qualities of the editorial director and the organization of the editorial team
A second important question is: “How to organize an effective marketing team? “. When a company starts to make content marketing or decides to start in this area, this question invariably arrives. A content marketing team, to function, must be led by an editorial manager, by someone who oversees all editorial work on the blog/site. This person must have three qualities:

It must be able to create a content strategy, which defines the themes likely to interest the target and the type of contents to be published, the axes to differentiate themselves from the contents of the competitors, the way of approaching the subjects (the angle ), the tone employed, the formal structure of the articles. In short, the editorial manager must be able to set an editorial line.
It must also be able to ensure a good promotion of the published contents, by defining channels of diffusion (the social networks for example) and the strategy of promotion on these various channels.
Finally, the editorial manager must be able to manage the team of editors (freelancers only, or freelancers and internal collaborators) and expand it when the time comes. He must therefore have qualities in recruitment, namely distinguish good writers from bad writers.
In addition to this, the editorial manager must know how to manage the publication calendar, the various accounts on social networks and the newsletter (to share the articles by email) … In short, the editorial leader must bring together many qualities and do a colossal job . It is not always easy to entrust all these missions to one person. This is why you will probably need to use a collaborative work tool to dispatch tasks to the writing team. In this case, the work of the editorial manager consists of delegating certain roles to certain editors: assignment of articles to various editors, SEO optimization of articles, posting of articles on social networks, link-building, creation newsletters …

Freelance web content writer Delhi and best freelance content writers in India.

There are several collaborative tools adapted to manage all the content marketing part. In particular, Trello , which we use on La Fabrique. We have already published a full article on this free tool and its usefulness to manage writing: Organize writing your articles as a pro with Trello .

freelance web content writer Delhi and best freelance content writers in India.

From the moment your blog reaches a significant volume of traffic (roughly 25,000 unique visitors per month), you will also need to integrate a person in your team to optimize the conversion.

Employed Editors VS Content Marketing Agency VS Freelance Copywriters
Hiring editors as employees is a very interesting option, but at the same time very expensive. Unless you’re a big business, this option is hard to imagine … especially if you get started. In addition, hiring an editor limits your editorial team to … one person, one pen. When it comes to publishing quality and substantive articles, it is difficult to ask an editor to write more than 4 articles a week. This significantly limits the number of articles and the pace of publication on your blog.

Second option: use the services of a web agency specialized in content marketing. This option allows you to order large volumes of well-written articles. The problem is that the editors of the agency do not necessarily have expertise on the themes that are yours. In addition, agencies generally charge a high price for their services.

Developing the visibility and reputation of a blog costs money. Are all the sums invested in your blog profitable? To find out, find out how to calculate the cost of acquisition and the ROI of your investments on the blog .

This is why, in our opinion, the best option is to look for freelance writers. This will allow you to find writers who have expertise on the topics to be dealt with as part of your blog. In addition, this option is the most “scalable” and the most flexible: you can easily expand your team as your content needs increase. Finally, last advantage, the economic model is more advantageous. You pay the editor to the article. This is cheaper than paying a full-time salaried writer or an agency. So, how do you find, test and choose editors for your blog?

How to find, evaluate and choose editors for your blog
If you want to build a team of freelance writers, freelance web content writer Delhi and best freelance content writers in India you must first know how to find them. Once you have found them, you must test them. And finally recruit them, based on the test results. There are therefore three successive phases: identify ==>

freelance web content writer Delhi and best freelance content writers in India.

Operation varies from platform to platform. On some, you choose, from a list proposed, the freelancers you want to contact (Hopwork model). On others, you post an ad and it is freelance to contact you by message (model of the tender, used on Encoder in particular). In the second case, you must write an offer. It must be simple and go straight to the point. A few lines are enough. Example:

“Are you passionate about startup and open-minded culture?

You know how to tell stories?

You know how to do the day before?

You are force of proposal and autonomous in your work?

Do you agree with this vision of marketing content: (link to an article)?

Contact us! “

How to evaluate freelance writers?
Once you have found interesting profiles of editors, you will have to evaluate them, test them, to make sure they meet your needs and expectations. We offer a unique method that has already paid off. The idea is to create a standard evaluation document and submit it to each selected profile. You can create it in Word format, but then convert it to PDF. This document contains 5 sections.

freelance web content writer Delhi and best freelance content writers in India.

These first four sections allow writers to learn more about your expectations and the work you are doing. Those interested in your offer are invited to complete the evaluation test, which occupies the fifth section of your document. The test is divided into two parts.

Part 1. You ask the editor to send you an email with 4 blog postings, based on the elements you provided in the first four sections. For each proposal, the editor must propose a title and a semi-detailed plan. This test assesses the writer’s autonomy (his ability to find ideas for articles himself) and his understanding of your needs.
Part 2. The second part of the test is to write an article, corresponding to one of the proposals made in Part 1 of the test. Only candidates who have passed the first part of the test are concerned by this second part, of course. The deal is as follows: if the copywriter passes the essay test successfully, the essay article will be paid for and published, and the writer recruited. If this is not the case, the article is not paid but the editor remains the owner of his text. Be clear on this subject. The writer must be aware of this clause. This second part assesses the editorial skills of the writer.
This process of recruitment by evaluation makes it possible to avoid many casting errors and to find good editors. This document can of course be adapted or structured a little differently. But it is important to keep this division in section, which works like a tunnel. The first four sections can eliminate a lot of editors – those who realize that their skills are not compatible with your requirements, or those who are not interested in your vision of the blog. The first phase of the test eliminates writers who are not force proposal and / or have not understood your expectations. Finally, the second phase of the test eliminates the editors who do not write according to your expectations. In the end, only good writers remain.

Discover our complete guide on the art of writing a “good” article of 2000 words on any subject .

Recruitment of freelance writers: remuneration
Third step: recruitment. You must now formalize a working relationship with the selected editors. This is the most important step, if you want to build a healthy and lasting working relationship. One of the most sensitive points is of course the remuneration. If you pay your freelance writers too little, you will get poor quality content because sloppy. And you risk losing quickly your editors, attracted elsewhere by offers more attractive. At the same time, you do not necessarily have enough budget to pay your editors 400 euros per article. If writing content costs you several thousand euros a month, you will not have many resources left over for the rest. In these conditions,

First of all, we advise you to pay your editors for the article. It is the most interesting economic model, and at the same time it is the most motivating for the editors. Regarding the tariff per item, it depends on many factors. The fair price averages around 150 euros, or a little more for the most important items that require more research work upstream (200-230 euros). If you want real quality items, do not go below 120 euros.

In conclusion, let’s remember our three main tips:

Hire freelance writers. This is the best option.
Evaluate freelance web content writer Delhi and best freelance content writers in India by testing them and using the proposed template.
Pay your editors properly for quality articles and a lasting and fruitful working relationship.

Freelance writers, how to find a mine of customers?

Freelance writers, how to find a mine of customers?

All those who are self-employed know that a significant part of the freelance calendar is to find customers. At least at the beginning. But where do all those who need our fabulous content and better conversion rates hide ?
Image result for Freelance writers, how to find a mine of customers?
To prospect effectively, it is better to vary the methods and the baits, by hunting on several grounds. Some tracks to sniff …

Active search
Specialized sites
Platforms that connect independent in search of mission and businesses or individuals seeking providers are legion in the field of web creation. While the majority of ads are for developers and webdesigners, those targeting editors are gaining ground. However, run away from low-cost platforms where prospects will constantly ask for free tests and pricing at the word, unethical.

The generalist websites of job advertisements
Large accounts tend to go directly through the Monster job sites or those who aggregate offers like Indeed . These are the most frequently vacant positions on fixed-term or permanent contracts, but occasional mission offers are occasionally seen.

Social networks
Some post their queries directly on Twitter, Viadeo, etc. The research is more dispersed, but the returns are often more qualitative. So freelance web content writer Delhi today.

Let’s not forget that prospecting is a matter of perseverance: many contacts recall several months later, when they were thought to be lost.

Passive prospecting
Your own site
Having your own showcase site is more or less inevitable if you want to look good, and especially receive unsolicited quote requests. Think about providing weekly attention so that it remains well referenced!

Word of mouth
Your customers are your best asset. If they are satisfied, they talk about you, and we start calling you “from”. This is the easiest prospection.

Your presence on the web
Accounts on LinkedIn and Sisters, answers on specialized forums, articles on a blog: sow the seeds of your account in a judicious way, the returns are sometimes long, but are generally worth it, because they are more targeted.

freelance web content writer Delhi and you, do you have other techniques to expand your contact book?