Freelance writers, how to find a mine of customers?

All those who are self-employed know that a significant part of the freelance calendar is to find customers. At least at the beginning. But where do all those who need our fabulous content and better conversion rates hide ?
Image result for Freelance writers, how to find a mine of customers?
To prospect effectively, it is better to vary the methods and the baits, by hunting on several grounds. Some tracks to sniff …

Active search
Specialized sites
Platforms that connect independent in search of mission and businesses or individuals seeking providers are legion in the field of web creation. While the majority of ads are for developers and webdesigners, those targeting editors are gaining ground. However, run away from low-cost platforms where prospects will constantly ask for free tests and pricing at the word, unethical.

The generalist websites of job advertisements
Large accounts tend to go directly through the Monster job sites or those who aggregate offers like Indeed . These are the most frequently vacant positions on fixed-term or permanent contracts, but occasional mission offers are occasionally seen.

Social networks
Some post their queries directly on Twitter, Viadeo, etc. The research is more dispersed, but the returns are often more qualitative. So freelance web content writer Delhi today.

Let’s not forget that prospecting is a matter of perseverance: many contacts recall several months later, when they were thought to be lost.

Passive prospecting
Your own site
Having your own showcase site is more or less inevitable if you want to look good, and especially receive unsolicited quote requests. Think about providing weekly attention so that it remains well referenced!

Word of mouth
Your customers are your best asset. If they are satisfied, they talk about you, and we start calling you “from”. This is the easiest prospection.

Your presence on the web
Accounts on LinkedIn and Sisters, answers on specialized forums, articles on a blog: sow the seeds of your account in a judicious way, the returns are sometimes long, but are generally worth it, because they are more targeted.

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