
What is Coronavirus?

What is Coronavirus?


CoronavirusImage of the Mers-CoV coronavirus obtained by electron microscopy.

What is it

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that were discovered in the 1960s but whose origin is still unknown. Its different types cause different diseases, from a cold to a severe respiratory syndrome (a severe form of pneumonia ).
Much of the coronaviruses are not dangerous and can be treated effectively. In fact, most people get a coronavirus at some time in their life, usually during their childhood. Although they are more frequent in autumn or winter, they can be purchased at any time of the year.
The coronavirus owes its name to the appearance it presents, since it is very similar to a crown or a halo. It is a type of virus present in both humans and animals.
In recent years, three major epidemic outbreaks caused by coronaviruses have been described:
SARS-CoV : The acute and severe respiratory syndrome (SARS, also known as SARS and SARS) began in November 2002 in China, affected more than 8,000 people in 37 countries and caused more than 700 deaths. The mortality of SARS-Cov has been estimated at approximately 10%.
MERS-CoV : The coronavirus that causes the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) was first detected in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. More than 2,400 cases of infection have been reported until October 2019 in different countries, with more than 800 deaths. Lethality is therefore 35%.
2019nCoV : At the end of December 2019, the first cases of a new outbreak of coronavirus were reported in the city of Wuhan (China). Since then the dripping of new infected has been continuous, there have been several deaths and it has been confirmed that this coronavirus is transmitted not only from animals to people, but from human to human. It does not seem as serious as SARS or as lethal as MERS.
There are already infected people in various countries, but experts ask for caution and believe it is unlikely to cause epidemic outbreaks in countries like Spain . “In the hypothetical case that someone infected arrives in Spain with symptoms, it seems that for now the transmission from person to person is limited,” says Javier Arranz, spokesman for the Infectious Diseases Group of the Society of Family and Community Medicine ( Semfyc) .


Coronaviruses are transmitted in a limited way among humans, but to date the origin of these viruses is unknown. In any case, it is known that certain animals, such as bats, act as reservoirs.
As in other viruses that cause pneumonia, when transmitted in humans, infection is usually caused by the respiratory route, through the respiratory droplets that people produce when they cough, sneeze or speak.
Everything seems to indicate that  new coronavirus, 2019nCoV , also known as Wuhan coronavirus, has an animal origin. In fact, the first cases have been related to a live animal market in the city of Wuhan in China.
As for MERS, camels are likely to be an important reservoir for this type of coronavirus and an animal source of infection in humans, as specified by the World Health Organization in its descriptive note on the disease . However, the specific role of camels in the transmission of the virus and also the exact route or routes of transmission are unknown.
In origin, the MERS-CoV coronavirus is a zoonotic virus that is transmitted from animals to people . As can be seen from the analysis of several of its genomes, it is believed that the virus originated in bats and was transmitted to camels at some point in the distant past.
It is believed that the SARS coronavirus originated in bats, subsequently jumping to some other species of small mammal, such as civet, and finally to humans.


In general, the main symptoms of coronavirus infections are usually:
  • Secretion and runny nose.
  • Cough.
  • Fatigue.
  • Sore throat and headache.
  • Fever.
  • Chills and malaise.
  • Shortness of breath (breathlessness)
In clinical spectrum of this type of infections varies from the absence of symptoms to mild or acute respiratory symptoms. This typology usually involves cough, fever and breathing difficulties . It is common to have pneumonia and, in the case of MERS, gastrointestinal symptoms, especially diarrhea, can also be recorded .
As with the influenza virus , the most severe symptoms (and the highest mortality) are recorded in both the elderly and those with immunosuppression or with chronic diseases such as diabetes , some types of cancer or chronic lung disease. In extreme cases it can cause respiratory failure.


To date, no vaccine or specific treatment is available to combat coronavirus infection.
Maintaining basic hygiene is the most effective way to avoid contracting this virus in places where there is a greater risk of transmission, mainly areas of the planet where cases have been recorded. It is convenient to wash your hands frequently and avoid contact with people already infected , especially protecting eyes, nose and mouth. Those who may be in contact with potential affected parties are advised to wear masks and use handkerchiefs to cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
When the MERS-Cov emerged, it was reported that products of animal origin properly processed by cooking or pasteurization do not pose any risk of infection, but should be handled with care to avoid contamination by contact with raw products. Camel meat and milk may continue to be consumed after pasteurization, cooking or other heat treatments; However, its raw consumption should be discarded .
These precautions should be followed especially by those who suffer from diabetes, kidney failure, chronic pneumopathy or immunosuppression, since they have a higher risk of serious illness in case of coronavirus infection. 


In human coronaviruses, the severity can vary substantially between one type and another:

Cold coronavirus

This variant of coronavirus corresponds to types 229E and OC43, which cause the common symptoms of a cold , although in the most severe cases they can also cause pneumonia in the elderly or in neonates.
Coronavirus types Chandigarh

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

It is a serious form of pneumonia . It causes respiratory distress and fever over 38 degrees. The 2002 outbreak spread throughout the world, although its frequency has always been greater in East Asia.

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV)

It causes serious respiratory problems , in addition to fever, cough and shortness of breath, although at first it can be asymptomatic . In more severe cases, blood expectoration, diarrhea and vomiting also occur It had its first outbreak in 2012 and since then many cases have been reported in the Middle East, although it has also reached Europe and the United States.

Wuhan coronavirus (2019nCoV)

The new coronavirus detected in late 2019 in China shows a genetic sequence that matches that of SARS by 80%. However, at first it seems less virulent and with a significantly lower mortality.
Coronaviruses can also appear in animals . Some of the most frequent are canine and feline coronaviruses.


To determine if the discomfort suffered by a patient comes from a simple cold or from a coronavirus, the doctor can perform a nose and throat culture , or even a blood test.
In cases of coronavirus SARS , a chest tomography is usually performed to determine the symptoms of pneumonia, as well as other blood coagulation tests, a biochemical analysis and a blood count. Antibody tests and SARS virus isolation are also performed.
For cases of MERS coronavirus , an evaluation is usually carried out for those who have symptoms and who may be prone to the virus.
The control of the temperature (with thermal cameras and digital thermometers) of people arriving at an airport from affected areas has been one of the first measures that have been put in place to detect possible cases of Wuhan’s coronavirus, as It was made with the previous shoots. Questionnaires are also made to travelers; In case of suspicion, they are subjected to evaluation and, where appropriate, transferred to health centers.


There is no vaccine against the human coronavirus that causes a cold , but milder cases can be overcome by following the same steps as a common cold. This does not require medical intervention and simply wash your hands frequently, rest and drink plenty of fluids , the symptoms will disappear within a few days. Painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can also be taken to relieve sore throats or fever.
In cases of coronavirus SRAS, MERS CoV and 2019nCoV , hospital admission is usually convenient Antivirals, high doses of steroids are given to reduce pulmonary inflammation and respiratory support with oxygen; Sometimes you may need antibiotics, but only if there are supervening bacterial infections, that is, superinfection.
In summary, these types of respiratory infections are treated with antiviral and supportive measures. The treatment is usually adapted according to the severity of the patient, since there are cases in which severe pneumonia occurs, but in others the manifestations are mild.

Other data


Patient survival will depend on the type of coronavirus contracted:
  • The coronavirus cold have very high rates of recovery and affected virtually all get beat the virus within a few days.
  • The coronavirus SARS also exceeded in most cases, but between nine and 12 per cent of cases result in death of the patient. Young patients have more life expectancy, as they tend to have milder symptoms.
  • The MERS survival rate is less high, reaching around 36 percent in mortality, as specified by the World Health Organization.
  • It is still early to determine the mortality rate of Wuhan coronavirus (2019nCoV), but it seems lower than the previous ones.
Content writing service – Freelance Content Writer in Chandigarh – Pay Per Word

Content writing service – Freelance Content Writer in Chandigarh – Pay Per Word

We offer you a complete content writing service in Chandigarh for your web pages or profiles on social networks. If you also grant us access to your web pages or your profiles we can introduce them optimized SEO.

We offer optimized SEO content in Chandigarh

It is important to follow a series of rules to introduce content articles, such as respecting the length of the title and description, optimizing tags and keywords, structuring information with headings, using bold, italic and underlined, etc.

Price of content writing services

Below you can see the price of content writing:

1.- Articles of 800-1200 words (Includes the insertion in the blog / web if you give us access)

The price of content writing is monthly
  • 1 content per week 40 dollars
  • 2 contents per week $ 120
  • 3 contents per week $ 160
  • 4 content writing per week $ 170
  • 5 articles of articles per week $ 200 

2.- Articles of 400-450 words (Includes the insertion in the web / blog if you give us access)

The price for content writing is monthly
  • 1 content per week 20 dollars
  • 2 contents per week $ 40
  • 3 contents per week $ 90
  • 4 articles of articles per week $ 115
  • 5 content writing per week $ 140
The items are 100% original and pass copyscape
Additionally we can provide you with community manager services and moderate the responses and comments of the users in the articles or contents of your web pages or in your social network profiles. Do not have profiles yet? Then we study where your target users and your customers can be and create your representation in the networks where you can obtain greater profitability.
Ask us about Rsoft Developmentcontent writing and community manager service by:
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Freelance Web Content Writer in India, Chandigarh and Tricity

Freelance Web Content Writer in India, Chandigarh and Tricity

The Content Marketing builds communities, inspires commitment and increases the ranking through the creation and sharing of High quality, relevant troubleshooting information, in order to meet business objectives. It helps influence consumer behavior, with the ultimate goal of increasing sales and increasing interaction between the brand and the customer
Content marketing is an effective way to encourage conversions and its main objective is to build a content strategy that suits the needs of your target audience. This helps to differentiate itself from the competition, offers a great resource for its customers and is highly sharable. Content marketing is intended to improve your brand profile and online reputation.
Our full-service SEO team integrates content into a complex strategy to increase the visibility and conversions of your site.

Industry News

Creating a unique value that increases the visibility of our brand, allows the audience to deliver consistent and valuable information about the messages related to the industry that informs, educates and entertains readers that lead to an increase in social media participation, Improve your online reputation and gain credibility.

Case studies

Inspire confidence in your target audience with detailed reports to summarize projects from start to finish and explicitly document the results obtained in performance measures.

Content Strategy

Achieve your business objectives with a comprehensive market analysis content strategy provided by our highly qualified editors and analysts.


Not everyone buys all products. With Content Marketing, companies target only those potential customers who are already interested in their products, without disturbing anyone who, in principle, is not.


Having eliminated advertising intrusion, communication becomes more natural, since both parties share a common interest. The confidence comes when the published contents are the result of experience and professionalism and therefore become qualified information and reference of the sector.

Engangement or Link

Now, creating links beyond the economic transaction is essential to build customer loyalty. In this sense, Social Networks are decisive.


Added Content


Study cases


Content Strategies


We are aware of the importance of a successful content marketing campaign, so we create informative, with the participation and persuasive content that captures the interest of customers. We design a content marketing strategy tailored for each of our clients.
Effective Copyrighting 
We provide content that will convince Internet users to click through their website for special offers, to buy their products or to contact you about their services, because our experienced copywriters know exactly how to make words sells.
Our RSOFT WEB CONTENT DEVELOPMENT Agency offers Content Marketing services in the following areas:
  • Blog: Blogger and WordPress, Blog website.
  • Microblogging: Twitter
  • Social networks: Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest (Infographics) and Instagram.
The plans together apply for a minimum of 2 social networks. (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram). Blog (Blogger and WordPress, Blog website) are quoted separately.
You can request any of our Content Marketing Plans , where we will establish a better plan adapted to your needs and requirements.
The best plans to suit you:  When requesting an appointment, we will listen to your project. What do you want to do? What are your concerns? 
We will give you our opinion as professionals and establish a plan taking into account your requirements as the objectives and we will formulate the KPIs, s  around the  Social Networks and the Website .  

1 month


3 months


6 months


12 months


Content Marketing Plan for Blog (Website)

Our team of SEO full service integrates the Plan  Marketing Content – Blog  (Blog Plan MC) in a complex strategy to increase the visibility and conversions on your website. Blog (Blogger and WordPress, Blog Website).
Interested! Request an appointment to talk about your project. 

Marketing Plans Content Social Network

Our Social Media Content team offers the different Plans according to the needs and requirements of the client (consisting of a single Social Network: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.):
  • MC Social Network Small Plan
  • MC Social Network Medium Plan
  • MC Social Network Gold Plan

Marketing Plans Mixed Content or Social Media Set

Our Social Media Content team offers the different Plans according to the needs and requirements of the client (consisting of a set of Social Networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.):
Joint Social Network Plans:
  • Basic Social Network MC Plan 
  • MC Social Professional Network Plan 
  • MC Social Network Pro Plan


Tell us about your project

We will help you get your business online and grow with passion
Attract and convince your target market and increase the visibility of your website in search engines with the content provided by our professional editors.

How is freelance writer 2020 – How to Become a Freelance Writer

How is freelance writer 2020 – How to Become a Freelance Writer

How does freelance writing work? 2020 – How to Become a Freelance Writer

I started doing small writing jobs online while finishing my degree in English at Michigan State University (for more information on how to work independently as a college student, be sure to visit my new section on that same topic!). After graduating, I continued doing small projects while working full time. But, with two young children at home, registering long hours in the office was not enough for me. We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India and the team of Rajeev to help our clients.

I took my Internet skills and went home (or at least I started working at home).
Despite these last 10 years (eight of which I have been writing in this space), there are still people in my circle who have no idea what I really do for a living. Also, I am often in those kinds of meetings or conferences where people like to greet and hear about their work, and they still look at me confused or dismayed. What does that mean? What exactly does she do now? So, for all the costumes I have to find in my future, once and for all: How does freelance writing work, exactly?

What is freelance writing?

Freelance writing is the practice of writing for money, in its simplest state. Freelance writers produce all the written text your customers need, usually at home in their own office, for money. They write for many different clients, often at the same time. We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India and the team of Rajeev to help our clients.
The writing can be for a different person every day of the year, or for established clients who associate with a freelance writer for the work in progress. These associations can last for years, or even decades.
What is a freelance writer?
A freelance writer is a writer who produces text in exchange for a salary.
The writer usually works in a home office (although sometimes clients prefer that the writer works in his office), and usually works at his own schedule, at any time of day or night, provided they meet the client’s deadline. . Freelance writers are not only writers, but they are also often specialists in marketing, publishing themselves and their skills to potential clients. Freelance writers are also usually business owners, since they form a business, such as an LLC, in order to separate their personalities and personal finances from their work and the money they earn as freelancers. Successful freelance writers are often a combination of artists with words and cunning business owners.

What does a freelance writer do for work?

Freelance copywriters write whatever text their customers need. Often, freelance writers specialize in a topic or topic, such as “culture” or “politics.” Or, instead, writers can specialize in a type of writing, such as Internet content or resumes.
Freelance writers often approach their work as a business, spend part of their day looking for new work, taking care of their records (such as money received, for tax purposes) and / or staying in the career and industry, through reading or lessons
However, bread and butter come from the composition of documents, such as magazine articles, online articles, press releases and / or various commercial documents.

Who are the clients of freelance writers? Who pays them?

This varies a lot. Freelance writers are paid to produce writings written by many different people or companies. Basically, one’s client could be anyone who needs something written. For example, a writer can work with an individual who needs a resume, and that person reaches an agreement with the freelance writer and pays them for the finished curriculum. Or, a writer could work for a company or agency that sells resumes. Then, they essentially work for the agency, which deals with the end customer. Writers are paid by the agency, and the agency is paid by the original client.
Writers can work for nonprofit organizations, political organizations, websites, magazines, publishers, companies, universities, local government offices or individuals.
Since freelance writers often have a different group of clients, they must be really good at managing their time, work schedule and deadlines. They must also be pleasant and accommodating to interact with a variety of different and numerous “bosses.” “A good freelance writer will make the client wonder if he is the only client served.

How are freelance writers paid?

Each client has its own process and type of payment. Sometimes a client will want the writer to send him an invoice when the work is finished. Sometimes, customers simply want a PayPal message that reminds them to pay. Other clients have intricate computer systems that tell them when it’s time to pay a writer (or all of his writers), and it is not necessary for the freelance writer to take any action.
Today, I personally have an equitable division between the payments that come from Paypal and the payments that are made through a paper check. Many people and small businesses prefer the comfort of Paypal. However, my larger organizations still send a paper check.
We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India and the team of Rajeev to help our clients.
Sometimes payments arrive when the work is done. Other payments are made at fixed intervals, regardless of when the writing is completed. This type of payment schedule means that the writer must be really good at managing the budget and money.

How do freelance writers work?

Basically, the workflow occurs in two ways. Either the freelance writer looks for work looking for freelance writing jobs on the Internet (there is a lot!), Or the person or company that needs something written searches and approaches a freelance writer.

Why are there freelance writers?

One reason why this career exists is that people or companies often only need a project, such as a written brochure or an article produced for a website. Therefore, there is no reason to hire an employee. Instead, it is simpler to enter into an agreement or contract with an individual writer.
Another reason is that freelancers are often cheaper. Even if an organization needs a specific type of writing on a semi-regular basis, they often cannot keep a full-time employee full-time. Hiring with a writer is much simpler and less expensive.
Also, let’s be honest: it’s a web world. There are many companies that do not exist in a fixed physical location. These companies need workers who can work independently, outside an office (because there is no physical office to go to!). We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India and the team of Rajeev to help our clients. These types of companies increasingly hire individual workers from anywhere in the world and relate to them online. It is a new type of work, and it works for many people.
Fortunately, this explains more precisely how freelance writing works. The freelance writer’s career is not only legitimate and feasible, but also a fruitful and rewarding effort for many writers. This career has longevity and staying power, but it also translates into many different skills in the workplace, in case the writer is interested in something else in the long run. We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India and the team of Rajeev to help our clients.
 by Rajeev Singh


Why outsource Software Development?

Outsourcing broadens profit potential, maximizes growth and fosters opportunities that your internal architecture cannot support. We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India and the team of Rajeev to help our clients.
Every hour an outsourced developer works, he achieves tangible progress, but the same cannot be said of the internal work forces. In a work study surveying almost 2,000 office employees, researchers found in an 8-hour workday, employees are only productive during 3 of those 8 hours. We do not pay full-time plumbers to fix a leaking faucet or internal on-board doctors for annual checkups. So why are they doing this for software development?

In December 2017, we had a client (let’s call them XYZ Inc.) that came with a fairly complex application request that was linked to a set of tight deadlines. The client had just acquired a large e-Learning platform, and they hoped to lead the acquisition with a math test application that they could launch in the middle of the summer.

In this case (which is not always the case for Freelance Web Content Writer customers), the customer knew exactly what they needed when they met with one of our sales managers at a trade show, and immediately began asking about details, instead of generalities. XYZ Inc. had already calculated the number of developers they would need (spoiler alert: needed 20 resources in total), the amount of time it would take for that number of developers to schedule over 2,000 math problems, and the programming language that would be better juxtapose your project.
The client carefully considered the context, deadlines and costs, and knew that it was more suitable for outsourcing development, rather than trying to incorporate 20 developers for a project that was not ongoing. We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India and the team of Rajeev to help our clients. When deciding to proceed with outsourcing, the client went through the process of forging a symbiosis between the operational structure and commercial aspirations to determine if their business was better serving internal positions or with a third party such as Freelance Web Content Writer. They approached the old debate of outsourcing versus outsourcing with logic and comprehensive cost-benefit analysis.
The thing about outsourcing is omnipresent. It is an issue in which all entrepreneurs realize at some point in their career and apply to a wide range of processes: sales processes, marketing, e-commerce , operations, administration and everything else is not required practical intervention or physical work.
Outsourcing goes beyond outsourcing; It is sustainable and scalable, taking advantage of resources that may not be available locally through telecommuting and remote positions. Through outsourcing, Freelance Web Content Writer customers are expanding profit potential, maximizing growth and care opportunities that their internal architecture cannot support.
We will guide you through the ideology of conscious outsourcing. To begin, let’s return to December 2017.
And then this is where we are going if you want to move forward:
Before reading further, understand that each project comes with its own unique set of obstacles, cost barriers and expectations. The formula we cite in this article is contextualized for a specific customer, and the formula must be reoriented according to individual needs.
The case of XYZ Inc .: A Reminder that Numbers Don’t Lie
Step 1: Set Some Parameters
What parameters are we talking about? We are talking about difficult parameters and soft parameters, elements in which you cannot move and elements with little space to move smoothly as the project progresses.
General expenses. Deadlines. Design.
Conscious provisioning is a means to concentrate on the right task, the right cost and the right resource, and if you can’t define the task, describe what qualities the perfect resource has or plan your budget, it may be time to stop until Your vision crystallizes.
When we met XYZ Inc., they had intricate and mental plans of the parameters of their projects, and were able to completely verbalize their needs.
pile of soil used with soil mapping sensors
In a summary version, XYZ Inc. told us that they needed a new math application, and the development of that application was critical to their current business strategy. They intended to boost sales, gain visibility and boost growth by presenting this application to their pre-existing e-learning suite. We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India and the team of Rajeev to help our clients.
For XYZ Inc., the mathematical application would represent its first win after a period of brand change. Therefore, they recognized that they needed to give their best, delivering a product that would establish them among competitors and embody the specific qualities of the brand that would later be perfected.
pile of soil used with soil mapping sensors
Our sales team member left the conversation with a list that looked a bit like this. XYZ Inc. wanted 18 Java developers and 2 resources to perform quality control for a scheduled application with more than 2,000 algorithms, and they needed it stat.
The different check marks set the parameters for the XYZ project. When searching for your project, you should make a similar list. Setting parameters helps you address the next debacle: insourcing vs. outsourcing
Step 2: Insourcing Against Outsourcing: How much to hire a Java developer? 18 of them?
The parameters help to establish the limits of the project, and for most, there is a parameter that always stands out, is underlined and highlighted in the project plan: budget. We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India and the team of Rajeev to help our clients.
Much of the time, the supply debate finds its resolution right here, in a conversation about financial constraints and cost / benefit analysis.
It is no secret that outsourcing minimizes development costs by 25-75%, but I think there is a misunderstanding of how much money is actually saved in practice.
The XYZ project needed 18 Java developers, the internal incorporation of 18 resources is an arduous commitment for any company, but especially to complete a single project with a static stop and start date.
Freelance Web Content Writer investigates aggregate salary statistics from three different employment databases to corroborate the outsourcing / outsourcing costs division:
Career Entry Points
Employment Databases
Glass door
pile of soil used with soil mapping sensors
Between Glassdoor, Indeed and PayScale, Freelance Web Content Writer evaluated 22,302 salaries for Java developers. We collect data from three career entry points: entry level, mid-career and senior / expert level. In fact, it generally gave the highest estimates for Java developers’ salaries, while Glassdoor maintained its modest estimates.
We use these numbers to calculate Java’s average salaries at the three career entry points to illustrate the base salary. XYZ Inc. would have to pay each of its 18 Java developers, if they had chosen to submit their e-learning application.
pile of soil used with soil mapping sensors
Let’s say that XYZ Inc. decided to hire 18 Java developers mid-career internally with an average salary of $ 66 k / year. Insourcing The XYZ project would cost more than $ 1 million for base salaries alone.
This does not take into account employment taxes, recruitment expenses, benefits and the cost of space and work equipment. SHRM estimates that recruitment costs cost approximately 4k / hire, while MIT puts the total annual cost of employees at 125-140% of the base salary.
Okay, what would happen if XYZ Inc. modified the terms from the list of hard parameters to flexible parameters, doubling the timing of its projects to hire only half of the amount of resources?
By adding recruitment expenses, benefits and employment taxes, a single mid-career Java developer would cost XYZ Inc. $ 86,500 to hire internally. Now multiply that cost by the amount of resources. I will give you a fair warning: it hurts to look.
The breakdown of annual costs for a java  insource developer :
pile of soil used with soil mapping sensors
You’re probably thinking, okay, how much can I save by outsourcing development?
We cannot disclose the exact numbers for the XYZ project, but if outsourcing projects generally cost 50-75% less than input development projects, and if the XYZ project required resources for 7 months (December-mid summer), let’s see the Costs if the developers were acquired at 25%, 50% and 75% less than the cost of the inputs.
pile of soil used with soil mapping sensors
The budget is the elephant in the room for CIOs, CEOs and other C-suite executives who captain a ship and are doing everything possible to boost it. In the 2016 Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey, 59% of participants mentioned cost cutting as their reason for outsourcing. So, if the cost is what prevents the ship from moving forward, the supply debate will always end with outsourced development. We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India and the team of Rajeev to help our clients.
Simply put, outsourcing allows you to get the best performance with the least amount of fuel.
Step 3: Ask yourself, what’s next?
Obtaining your project requires a deep sense of self-awareness, a holistic perspective on the past, present and future of your commercial operation. A snapshot that covers everything constantly raises the question, what next?
This question is related to the analysis of insourcing and outsourcing costs, because although the numbers clearly deviate in one direction, they must be contextualized.
Will you need continuous development for a very small project? Does the project have a definitive deadline? Does it make sense to increase part of my staff through outsourced services? Am I willing to pay costs that go beyond the base salary?
XYZ Inc. concluded that its project would only take 7 months. If they had decided to hire and hire internally, they would still be paying a team of full-time Java developers that they only needed for a certain period of time.
pile of soil used with soil mapping sensors
Sure, they may need them again later, but until then, Java developers would have been inflating their overhead without purpose. Freelance Web Content Writer operates with a contract every time, shoots every time he keeps; Freelance Web Content Writer developers come to attack a predefined and niche task, and once that task is completed, customers pause our development services until their next project. The hiring or fire policy frees companies from contractual agreements, which avoids paid downtime and excessive overhead.
Every hour an outsourced developer works, he achieves tangible progress, but the same cannot be said of the internal work forces. In a work study surveying almost 2,000 office employees, researchers found in an 8-hour workday, employees are only productive during 3 of those 8 hours. We do not pay full-time plumbers to fix a leaking faucet or internal on-board doctors for annual checkups. So why are they doing this for software development?
If we are truly pragmatic with our supply of projects, we are finding the fastest, most efficient and profitable route to our final destination. Paying an employee with resources that is productive less than half of the hours for which they are paid, guarantees business mediocrity.
Step 4: Overcome your outsourcing bias
It’s time. We need to face the facts about IT software outsourcing.
Here are the facts:
  • XYZ Inc. defined its parameters, investigated software development partners and hired 18 Java developers from Freelance Web Content Writer.
  • They were released in July 2018 after only 7 months of development.
  • The XYZ e-learning application allowed them to kick off after a period of brand change with a product they were proud to represent.
  • They wasted no time in a recruitment process or training period because they outsourced Java developers who were ready to exceed 2,000 programming assignments of mathematical algorithms on Day 1.
If XYZ had decided to take an alternative route, they would still be in the development phase, struggling to give their new customer base something to hold on to. They would have 18 Java developers and 2 quality control programmers who were waiting with inactive hands, and a severe budget deficit that no new version could counter. We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India and the team of Rajeev to help our clients.
In past decades, systematic failures plagued outsourcing reputations and stigmatized third-party software services. As we move forward in the digital revolution, technology dismantles systematic failures by streamlining face-to-face and remote communication.
Remote work is a common feature today, the mainstream rather than cutting-edge video and audio capabilities. The deficiencies are inadequate since communication becomes increasingly instantaneous with increasing interconnectivity.
You can continue to hire full-time internal mechanics for a car that needs to change its oil every 10,000 miles, or you can outsource it. Freelance Web Content Writer every time the engine check light flashes red.
Freelance Web Content Writer does not affect the opinion of this article. Any mention of specific names for software, companies or individuals does not constitute an endorsement of any of the parties unless otherwise specified. All case studies and blogs are written with the cooperation, knowledge and participation of the individuals mentioned. This blog should not be construed as legal advice. We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India and the team of Rajeev to help our clients.
Freelance Web Content Writer was incorporated in 2000 and is based in Florida. We deliver World Class Software Development Solutions serving entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 customers. Our services include process and system design, package implementation, custom development, business intelligence and reporting, systems integration, as well as testing, maintenance and support. Freelance Web Content Writer experience spans the entire IT spectrum.



In autonomy, there is the notion of freedom. Freedom to act, to work on certain subjects, to innovate … This does not mean that your boss will let you go alone in all situations, far from it. Nevertheless, gaining autonomy can help you to flourish more in your work.

Autonomy is closely linked to the notion of trust. To gain autonomy, your boss must obviously be able to give you tasks with eyes closed. It’s up to you to prove to him that he is perfectly right to do it! Respect deadlines for work, be honest, do not be afraid to show your limits … No, you are not the right person to report on flea collars for dogs! On the other hand, you are for another subject just as sharp. Thanks to these different aspects, your employees or bosses will know that they can trust you.
More and more companies are counting on the autonomy of their employees: unlimited holidays, unrestricted expense reports … Result: no abuse or even a fall in the vacation time for one or business expenses for the others.

In the search for autonomy, it is essential to manage your time well. It’s about knowing how to prioritize one task over another and how to deal with emergencies. The better you organize your day, the more you become autonomous. Of course, an unexpected meeting can be added to your schedule. It’s up to you to re-plan your tasks according to their priority and their progress. One thing must guide you: do the work you need. Of course, this requires “moving the pieces”. You can not finish all that you have to do if you are constantly in a meeting. Nevertheless, prioritize one file rather than another depending on its urgency and importance, show that you are able to make the right choices and therefore to be autonomous. This may affect the organization of your working time. Arriving an hour later, finishing an hour earlier, as long as the work is done, is indeed a real form of freedom, related to the work autonomy you have put in place.

It is obvious that we will be more inclined to let you carry out a project as you see fit, if you show your motivation. You really want to grab a file? Let it know! Show your interest in the subject, share the knowledge you have, your ideas … If your boss sees that you already master part of the subject, it will let you more willingly seize. He has everything to gain: a motivated employee and quality work done.

These different aspects will help you to gain autonomy in the work. There are of course many other points to develop. Which ones do you think?

4 Good Reasons to Recruit a GOOD Web Content Writer


2 hours and 51 minutes. That is the amount of time that adults 18 years and older spend on their mobile phone every day. This equates to almost 90 hours per month that each adult spends time searching for entertainment, shopping, connecting with peers and keeping up with the latest news.
Now it is more important than ever for companies to understand how digital marketing can help their businesses. Deciding whether to implement a digital marketing strategy or not could be the difference between a company that fails and another that is successful.
This article will cover:
  • what is the digital marketing?
  • Why do companies avoid digital marketing?
  • Why is digital marketing important for companies?
  • Social networks and digital marketing
  • Digital marketing numbers do not lie
  • Digital marketing is more than social networks
  • In conclusion
What is the digital marketing?

According to Freelance Web Content Writer Chandigarh, digital marketing is simply a term used to describe a company’s online marketing efforts. Digital marketing is a form of Internet marketing that includes methods such as:

  • Email campaigns
  • Search engine marketing: SEO and pay per click advertising
  • Online Banner Advertising
  • Mobile application markets: Apple and Google Play
Like traditional marketing, it is about connecting customers with a company or brand in the right place and at the right time. Sending traffic to your website through these tools can help you convert your potential customers into a real customer.
  • Blog posts and articles
  • Infographic
  • Interactive tools like Playbuzz
  • social networks
  • Logos and fonts that make up your brand
  • EBooks
  • White papers
  • Reviews

Why do companies avoid digital marketing?

Many companies have chosen not to do digital marketing due to these three reasons:
  • They do not understand,
  • They don’t believe that their customers have become digital and,
  • They are up to the neck with the clients
The truth is that, while digital marketing can be complicated for a business owner who is not familiar with it, there are plenty of professionals who can help you. Second, customer demographics are changing and today there are actually more millennials looking for information online. Finally, a company should always have a strategy to obtain new customers, even when they are able.

Why is digital marketing important for companies?

Digital marketing has the ability to grow small and medium businesses in a meaningful way. The evolution of technology has created a field of opportunity that at one time is reserved only for large corporations.
Today, small and medium businesses actually have an opportunity and can grow in various ways. The reasons why digital marketing is so important for companies are:

Best Return on Investment

A small business that can be difficult to pay in traditional media methods, such as television commercials, but digital marketing is a much more feasible way.
If a company’s website has a constant flow of traffic and those visitors can become sales, succeed. In fact, your success (and defeats) can be measured more easily. Digital marketing allows you to track and monitor your results, which is useful when deciding which method works best for you. A company can determine its return on investment much more easily.

Internet will be everywhere

Research has projected that there will be more than 20 million interconnected devices by 2020. Companies that are on board with the digital market have access to their target market in a way never seen before. Being prepared for “The Internet of Things,” or Internet connections through everything from cars to photo frames, can even put a small business in high places.

Digital Marketing Generates More Income than Traditional Methods

According to Google, companies that use digital marketing methods have a revenue growth expectancy 2.8 times greater than those that follow traditional techniques. Small and medium-sized businesses can expand their businesses on a global scale when income is plentiful. In fact, they have 3.3 times better chances of expanding with digital marketing.

Get Customer Confidence with Digital Marketing

Customers who interact with brands on social networks trust them more because they know them personally. If you are looking for food, you can go to Yelp or Google and read what previous customers say about a particular restaurant. When you search for things to do, you can make a post on Facebook, and FRIENDS can tag your favorite meeting places. The references of people we know have more weight; Then, if your company has not already done so, mark yourself in a digital space.
Social proof and testimonials from real clients can give you exponential leverage. Companies create a brand of recognition. The amazing thing about digital marketing is that it can increase customer loyalty. When a business goes beyond its customers, it has no reservation to tell everyone about its experience. The references of people we know have more weight; Then, if your company has not already done so, mark yourself in a digital space. Social proof and testimonials from real clients can give you exponential leverage.

Companies create Brand Reputation

The amazing thing about digital marketing is that it can increase customer loyalty. When a business goes beyond its customers, they will have no reservation to tell everyone about their experience. This also means that if a company stinks of providing quality services, those customers will tell everyone about their experience.
Companies that do well can expect their customers to become brand ambassadors and reap the benefits of providing good service.

Social Networks and Digital Marketing

Now that you have an idea of ​​why digital marketing is important for companies, it is essential to understand one of its most important components. Social networks are a component of digital marketing that belongs to the Internet Marketing branch. Social media platforms include:
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • And many many more!
For a company to thrive on these platforms, it must understand the type of customers that frequent them and how to share the content. What a brand publishes on LinkedIn must be different from what is shared on Instagram, since that platform serves users in a different way.

Digital Marketing Numbers Don’t Lie

Companies that use social media marketing methods successfully have the potential to grow exponentially. One way to succeed is to know the content your target audience wants and how to reach them on certain platforms.
Some companies do better on Pinterest, while others thrive on Facebook. Either way, people should be able to leave one platform and recognize their brand in another.
The most popular social media platform Facebook had an incredible number of users of 2.23 billion in the second half of 2018 and the number is growing. As their number of users grows, so do their advertising products. Marketing professionals may find it difficult to get away from this beast of social media given how great they are. Your ads can be targeted based on specific information such as:
  • Age
  • Education levels
  • Life events: marriage, new house, new car
  • Job title
  • Devices used
  • And much more!
Facebook also offers a variety of different types of ads, such as:
  • Link Click Ads
  • Video ads
  • Enhanced Page Posts
  • Local awareness ads
  • Offer claims
  • And much more!
With the right process, a small and medium sized company can find prosperity on Facebook.

What other Social Media Platforms are there?

While Facebook is a giant, we cannot forget these other very powerful platforms.


The video platform, YouTube, uploaded its first video in April 2005 and has been growing ever since. More than 1.3 billion people use YouTube and almost 5,000 million videos are viewed on this platform every day. A small or medium business can use YouTube as a way to show quality content. Think about it: a six-year-old boy earned $ 11,000,000 on YouTube in 2017, so it’s definitely a platform he doesn’t want to avoid.


If a company seeks to grow globally, then Instagram can be the perfect platform. 80% of its users reside outside the United States. With the right ad (thanks to its parent company, Facebook), a company can significantly increase its revenue. Users use Instagram frequently for images, especially after the implementation of Instagram stories, so it is a great way to show the backstage experiences in your company.
Founded in 2006, Twitter has become a microblog platform. Users are only allowed 280 characters per tweet, so the content must contain a punch. According to Omnicore, as of January 2018, Twitter has:
  • 330 million monthly active users
  • 500 million tweets sent per day
  • 100 million daily active users
Users frequent Twitter to get quick answers, track the news and share their ideas.
Digital marketing is more than social media
While social networks are a big part of digital marketing, you should not forget about search engine optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and email marketing.

SEO and Content Marketing

Digital marketing specialists know that SEO and content marketing usually speak separately, but the two really complement each other quite well. SEO is the technique to get traffic from organic search results in search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Content marketing, on the other hand, is the process of creating and sharing useful content to attract the target audience.
The goal of content marketing is to encourage a customer to perform an action, such as buying a good or service.
As recently mentioned, marketing is about being in the right place at the right time, and SEO content marketing can help a company achieve it.
If a customer is looking for “potatoes written with a Sharpie in cursive typography” and its content includes SEO keywo rds that align with that, then the list will be seen just when the individual is looking for the information.
This is pure gold. While SEO is excellent when used correctly, it is not something that will happen overnight. The road to success with SEO can be long, but it is definitely worth it. Nobody is going to complain about free and organic potential customers, right? Absolutely not!
Many wonder,

What is SEO?

Freelance Web Content Writer created an interesting model to easily define what SEO is.

The model is called Pros.
DCOM as its acronym indicates
Discover – Discover
Create – Create
Optimize – Optimize
Measure _ measure


Here comes everything that is keywords, and relevant topics.
Content ideas and opportunities to create content. For example, investigate competitors and discover content topics that competitors have not yet written.
In the technical part we talk about identifying or discovering opportunities where we can improve the technical part of our websites.

Create and Optimize

We have already discovered the keywords and content ideas now we are going to create quality content and optimize as much as possible on our website.

To size:

Measure what keywords we have in position 1, measure the increase in traffic of organic channels such as Google, measure the time of each session through Google Analytics. We can also measure profits that are the result of our SEO.

Google Adwords – Paid advertising on Google or PPC .

However, some companies may take another route to make sure they are still in the search engines, but it has a cost. Pay per click or Google Adwords is when advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked, this is known as pay per click. It is a way to buy visits to your website instead of letting them come organically.
For example, if someone is looking for “women’s red shoes” and the correct keywords are used, an ad may appear in one of the ad placement areas. In fact, the ad could appear in the top spot, making it one of the first things an individual sees in search results. Like SEO, keywords are important when using pay per click methods.
The research process to find the right keywords, set up the right campaign and be relevant takes a lot of time. However, the benefits of doing well could result in a $ 5.00 offer for your website to become a $ 500 sale.
With Google Adwords, if users find their keywords and ads relevant, Google will charge less for the click.

Email Marketing or Email Marketing

Contrary to popular belief, email marketing is far from extinct. Companies with the right strategy can move subscribers of interest to buy with a good sales funnel.
There are three different types of email marketing:
  • Transactional: providing customer service solutions.
  • Relational. Feeding a relationship with your subscribers.
  • Promotional Specifically for lead generation.


Digital marketing has the potential to help your business in an excellent way. With the ability to connect with expanding customers and constantly changing technology, digital marketing cannot be something that companies can ignore. It’s not just about what you say to the customer, but about what a customer tells a potential customer. Understanding how digital marketing can help your company will keep you on the field.

Frequent questions:

    1. How do I start my digital marketing in my company or business if I have never had staff dedicated to this?
I recommend that you hire a digital marketing specialist with knowledge of SEO – PPC and email marketing.
These are the most important pieces of digital marketing, this person would be the manager and could outsource freelance services for writing content and social networks. This if you have a small budget.
In the case of having a good budget, I would recommend that you implement an in-house digital marketing department and hire an SEO person, another PPC person for email marketing, a writer and a person for social networks.
It is very important to train or have an advisor who can help with digital marketing strategies to the team you have hired.
This will save time and money since an expert can give the necessary tips to achieve the goals and objectives in a faster and more productive way.
    1. What is more important the organic or paid traffic of Google ads?
Organic traffic is more important but SEO is complemented by PPC at least at the beginning when a company starts with digital marketing.
PPC provides keyword traffic that could be imporsible or that can take up to 2 years to organically process.
I would recommend both and try the return on investment.
    1. My company needs social networks and which are the most appropriate for my industry?
Every company or business needs visibility of social networks because the online presence in universally known pages such as Facebook and Twitter provides credibility. Which social network is appropriate for each business
That varies if the business is of goods or services, if it is directed to the end customer or if the business sells from one business to another. There are so many different and different possibilities with social networks. In my YouTube channel I have created an album that speaks and explains everything about networks, you can watch it and have a clearer idea of ​​how to use social networks for each business.
    1. How long does it take to see the results in SEO?
SEO takes time and the results depend a lot on the industry and competition.
SEO is based on relevant content. Seeing SEO results can take from 3 months to 2 years in some cases of very competitive keywords. Each case is unique but worth it and the waiting time.
    1. Being a business owner I also need to educate myself in digital marketing or hiring trained people is enough?
It is very important that the owner of a business understand the general concepts of digital marketing in order to understand strategies, reports and results.
There are many companies today that their owners due to their age are not very technical or are not familiar with the concepts of digital marketing. In that case, it is very important that the CEO or general manager understands and educates himself on the subject so that he can easily explain the procedures and investments of the initiatives of the digital marketing department to the owner.


Need help managing your blog?
Whether you’re starting a new business blog or looking to relive an old one, there’s a lot to do.
You may even feel overwhelmed by everything that is involved. But do not worry.
In this article you will find numerous resources and practical tips to help you at each stage of the process of creating a blog.


Why write a business blog?
# 1: Set blog goals
# 2: Identify the purpose of your blog
# 3: Research your audience
# 4: Decide the frequency of publication
# 5: Identify blog writers
# 6: Create an editorial calendar
# 7: Develop your blog brand
# 8: Write
# 9: Market your blog
# 10: Measure success


A business blog helps you consolidate your position as an expert by providing a platform to provide exceptional content (news, tips, trends) for your customers, potential customers and partners.
“A business blog is important because it is the optimal option for your content marketing center. In today’s content-based world, while you may see yourself as a seller, you really are an editor. You have to provide relevant content for your prospects, customers and the public, who spend more than 10 hours a day consuming media ”- Rajeev Singh, Content Marketing Institute.
Here are 10 things you can do, along with a variety of resources you can use, to create and promote a successful business blog.


A business blog is a long-term commitment, an investment of time, energy and effort. Before you start writing a blog, ask yourself these important questions:
·         Why am I starting a blog?
·         What do I want to get from it?
·         What do I want my audience to get from it?
·         Your answers to these questions will help you identify the key business objectives for your blog.
Here are some excellent resources to guide you in setting goals:
·         Objectives of the blog: Why do you need them? “Blogging is a trip,” explains Rajeev Singh. As you travel, you cannot enter a blog without knowing where you are going. This article explains why you need strategic business objectives to guide your blog and can help you answer some of the questions raised above.
·         How to set the blog goals that can really be achieved: Rajeev Singh at Shareaholic has good advice for both newbies and experienced bloggers. No matter what stage of the process you are in, you want to set blogging goals that are aggressive, yet realistic. This article will show you how to do it.


Giving your blog a purpose is different from setting business goals. The goals are focused on the brand, while the purpose is focused on the reader.
·         Ask yourself these questions:
·         Why should people visit my blog?
·         What makes this information so special to my audience?
·         The following articles will help you find clarity about the purpose of your blog.
Are we misunderstanding the purpose of a blog? For most people, a business blog is more about gaining exposure for your brand and less about making money. “Blogs and social media have never been the best way to sell directly to others,” Rajeev Singh believes. “Sure, some people and companies can make it work, but others can sell ice to Eskimos.” Rajeev Singh has some excellent ideas on how to determine the value and purpose of a blog.
The real purpose of business blogs is not what you think: Rajeev Singh explains what blogs are not… and then continues explaining what blogs are for connecting, sharing and developing evangelists. This article is especially valuable because it discredits many myths that business owners still believe about business blogs. This article is mandatory reading before blogging!


The great “who” is so important when it comes to blogs. Who is your audience? In an ideal world, your blog reader should fit the same profile as your real client. To attract the ideal audience to your blog, you have to understand who they are and what they need. In this way, you can create content that is relevant and useful to your readers.
How to define your target audience in the right way: “Can you please everyone all the time? asks Rajeev Singh. Of course not. And that is why you have to know exactly who you are targeting and why. This article addresses all the key points related to the discovery of relevant audiences.
How to Build Better Buyer People to Rajeev SinghContent: In order to create killer blog content for your target audience, you need to know who your readers are. If you don’t have a detailed picture of your friends, check out this post by Rajeev Singh. It shows you how to use the demographics, needs and behaviors of your customers to create buyer characters, which will help you focus your content.


Consistency is the heart of blogs. You need to set the reader’s expectations and commit to a reasonable schedule. How much time are you willing to spend each week creating valuable content on your blog? How many messages can you write or assign without dispersing too much?
As will be seen in the following articles, it is not about the frequency, but about the regularity, with which it is published.
How often should you blog? (Hint: The answer might surprise you): This post by Rajeev Singh, published on Problogger in 2012, remains timeless in its wisdom. If you are starting or restarting a business blog, this is a must read. It will take away the pressure of having to write in a blog every day, and offer alternatives to create a blogging program that will work for you.
Why will I publish less: “You have to be flexible with social media,” says Rajeev Singh which applies this to blogs. Rajeev Singh is incredibly persuasive in this article, where he explains why “less is more.” Find out why you think daily blogs may not be a good idea for everyone.


Many business blogs are written by more than one person, especially because many business blogs have more than one magazine format. As part of your blog strategy, you need to decide on the primary writers and contributors…. and where you will find them. You can even benefit from the use of guest bloggers.
Whether you plan to use existing talent within your organization or hire external writers, these resources will help you.
How to find great content writers for your website: You get what you pay for. Rajeev Singh demonstrates this with her valuable advice on how to pay for quality content. “You don’t want any writer, but someone who can write authorized content for your industry,” he says. “This means that for many industries, you’re going to have to ignore $ 15 article writers and look for people with a proven track record.”
How to hire writers for your blog: Rajeev Singh, founder and editor of Problogger, has excellent tips for hiring business blog writers. In fact, it outlines the entire five-step process, from placing the ad to the final selection. This is great advice. But it is probably more suitable for companies with a large budget.
Bonus: How to keep bloggers engaged: Writers are the soul of your blog. Once you find your writers, whether paid or not, you must keep them motivated to ensure the longevity and success of your blog. Rajeev Singh knows that writing is hard work and that motivation is needed to continuously produce new content. Don’t forget to recognize and appreciate your writers.


Developing an editorial calendar is a strategic exercise that will have a significant impact on your business blog. The following resources explain what an editorial calendar is and how to create one.
Build a Successful Editorial Calendar for your Blog: “An editorial calendar is a list of virtual tasks,” says Rajeev Singh at Unbounce. “It helps you to be responsible for dates and concepts.” All bloggers must develop and maintain an editorial calendar to efficiently maintain their content strategy. This article is designed to help you work smarter.
How to build an editorial blog calendar, even if you don’t know where to start: It’s important that a blog has a focus. Rajeev Singh says that an editorial or content calendar can keep it in the message and in the goal throughout the year. He has great tips for brainstorming and creating good article ideas to add to his content queue.


Perception is everything! The way your blog meets readers – design, colors, style, etc. – can make or break your chances of success.
These articles give an idea of the important elements that you should consider when creating a brand.
6 Effective tips to mark your blog as Rajeev Singh shares brilliant tips on how to create a brand on your blog and establish yourself or your business as a key player in your space. Most of these tips have to do with the appearance and user experience, so check if your blog is as easy to use as possible.
3 Corporate Blogs to Inspire You: Rajeev Singh, analyzes three amazing corporate blogs, sharing the reasons for his success. When you are starting a blog, it is useful to see what successful blogs are doing.

# 8: WRITE

As long as you write attractive and engaging content, your readers will keep coming back. Whether you’ve been writing for years or you’re starting for the first time, these resources will help you improve your blogging skills.
How to write a blog post: Although business blogs are not a science, there are certain steps you can take to make sure your posts stand out. Rajeev Singh provides a simple formula for creating every message you write. It even offers additional ideas for more advanced bloggers.
31 Types of content for each day of the month: Rajeev Singh believes that there is no need to repeat the same type of content over and over again. Don’t get stuck wondering what to post. Check out these 31 ideas that will keep your business blog fresh and interesting.
Add one or all of these types of content entries to your content mix.


Even after you click Publish on your company’s blog, there is still a lot of work to do. Then, you will want to distribute it and share it with an audience as wide as possible. Check out all the ways you can share your content in the following articles.
Our blogs by RajeevXXLprovides a useful list of 35 common and not-so-common methods to promote your business blog. You are probably doing most of these things, but be sure to check the list to find out what you might be missing.
5 creative ways to drive more traffic to your blog posts: For more detailed concepts, see Kimberly Reynolds’ article on unique ways to drive traffic to your blog. Vine, SlideShare, Pinterest and Instagram can be used to make fun of your content and get new readers.


No matter what the topic, industry or purpose of your blog, you need to know if your blog is being read and if your efforts are paying off. Here is what you need to know to reach a statistical measure of the things that are most relevant to your blogging goals.
How to match 10 Key Success Metrics with your Blogging Strategy: All business bloggers need to read this. Rajeev Singh explains the many measures you can use to measure the success of your blog. Whether you blog for traffic, conversion or community, Jay points out exactly what metrics you should follow.

About you

A blog can help you expand your reach, while offering you a platform to share your experience. It is a lot of work with great reward potential. The most important step to start a business blog… is to start.
What do you think? Which of these blog tips and tactics has worked well for you? What blogging tips do you have to add? Please share your tips and insights in the comments below.
Rajeev and Team RSOFT Web Development

Rajeev and Team RSOFT Web Development



We federate around your company or your brand a community of active members, by offering him dedicated spaces of communication: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and also Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat …

We manage your presence on social networks

The number of users of social networks has exploded in recent years, whether in Chandigarh or around the world. Several reasons can explain this important growth: increased Internet speeds, especially on mobile phones (3G, 4G, etc.), lowering the cost of computers and smartphones, improving platforms and social applications, etc. Couriers are also increasingly used, including Messenger and WhatsApp that belong to Facebook.


32 million active users in Chandigarh
Community 22 years on average
Time spent 6h45 per month
B to C Targets *


15.7 million active visitors in Chandigarh
Community from 16 to 24 years old
Time spent 32mn per day
B to C Targets *


9.6 million active users in Chandigarh
Community 44 years old on average
Time spent 17mn per month
B to B targets *


16 million active users in Chandigarh
Community from 25 to 49 years
Time spent 170mn per month
B to C and B to B targets *
* Definition:
The term B to C, for business to consumer, refers to the set of relationships that unite businesses and end consumers.
The term B to B, for business to business, refers to the intercompany business activity.

Our Community Management subscriptions

Community Management is the implementation of a strategy to animate, monitor, influence and defend the image of a company on social networks.
We offer four annual subscription offers that reflect the most frequent requests from our customers: Basic, Standard, Premium and Magnum.
Hours dedicated to your business 4h per month 8h per month 15h per month 20h per month
Choice of social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter) Facebook Facebook Facebook + Instagram Facebook + 1 to choose
Number of publications (per week) 1 2-3 4-5 by social network 7 by social network
Animation and moderation
Uploading and sharing your corporate visuals (video, photo)
Contact management and relaying private messages
Graphic creation
Monitoring and content search
Balance sheet and e-Reputation report annual half-yearly quarterly monthly
Survey 1 1 per year 2 per year 3 per year
Competition 1 1 per year 2 per year
Writing articles
Sponsored monthly publication 2 5 $ (offered) 20 $ (offered) 45 $ (offered) 80 $ (offered)
Monthly price without commitment $ 320 $ 640 1200 $ 1600 $
Monthly price with commitment of 12 Months 3 (-30%) $ 220 440 $ $ 840 $ 1120
1 with commitment of 12 months
2 monthly purchases of advertisements offered (average cost per 1000 targeted displays (CPM): 5 euro)
3 the creation of your social media strategy and the redesign of your social profiles are offered
It can not be repeated enough but on social networks, it is better to develop your customer base, your turnover and / or your reputation, to have a moderate but regular presence, rather than a strong but punctual presence.
Any company wishing to have more visibility, increase the traffic on its website, or benefit from more customers … Can opt for the sponsored publication . Know that advertising on Facebook and Instagram does not necessarily require a big budget and can pay you big.
So to accompany your development on social networks, we offer you every month advertising on them, it is a great way to reach your prospects closer to where they are.
Finally, to have a precise knowledge of our services performed for you on social networks, we provide you with a report by email, in the form of a detailed report: monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual.
To increase your visibility and your notoriety, subscribe to the offer that suits you best. A community manager will then contact you to identify your needs, set your goals and establish the editorial line of your social media strategy .
If you do not find here the formula that corresponds to your context, we will be happy to design the tailor-made contract that will suit you perfectly!

4 good reasons to choose Freelance Web Content Writer Chandigarh

1. Accessible offers!

We offer four annual subscription offers, at great prices.

2. Develop your image!

Social networks have enormous potential and allow you to become known and increase your reputation for a very reasonable budget!

3. More time for your activities!

Thanks to Freelance 
Web Content 
Writer Chandigarh
you will have more time to devote to your business, without worrying about your presence on social networks!

4. Personalized offers!

We adapt your presence on social networks and communicate according to your image and your desires!

Our digital services at best prices

Depending on your needs and your objectives we offer tailor-made solutions.

 Digital Strategy

For TPE, SME, Large Enterprise, Brand and Product. We accompany the daily development of your e-community by promoting exchanges.
  • We advise you in the choice of your social networks
  • We are domiciling your company on social networks
  • We take care of your editorial line
  • We develop an editorial calendar 

 Advertising on social networks

From strategy to feedback analysis, our team sets up your social advertising to boost the performance of your business.
  • Creation and configuration of sponsored publications
  • Advertising Facebook
  • Instagram Advertising
  • LinkedIn Advertising
  • Advertisement Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat …

 Community Management

You delegate the animation of your social networks to an enthusiastic Community Manager, dedicated to your company (4 hours minimum per month). He will find the right words to respond quickly to questions from Internet users and solve their problems. So that they are your best ambassadors!
  • We manage your contacts, with transmission of private messages and personalized answers
  • We upload and share your corporate visuals (video clips, photos)
  • We moderate and animate the comment sections
  • We organize polls, games and contests
  • We provide you with a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual task report

 Content creation

Our team develops content and animates your social networks : photos, videos, illustrations, texts.
  • Content writing and search
  • Taking pictures, videos (Chandigarh Tricity)
  • 360 ° video shooting (Chandigarh Tricity)
Flexible duration • Variable price
Writing and posting of WordPress blog articles and / or newsletters on topics related to your company
  • We develop your content marketing strategy or “content marketing”
  • We develop your Inbound Marketing or Inbound Marketing strategy

 Eve e-Reputation

Specialist in public relations, especially e-reputation and intelligence: we act with audacity and finesse to always enhance the image of your company and lead a regular strategic monitoring.
  • We ensure the reputation of your company on the internet thanks to innovative tools
  • We provide you with a watch report, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually

 WordPress website design

We take care of the design, administration and animation of your website or merchant portal (WooCommerce), to support your online visibility in a professional manner.
  • Domain name reservation, hosting configuration and setting up the WordPress CMS
  • Creation or adaptation of design
  • Implementation of specific plugin
Flexible duration • Variable price

 PrestaShop shop design

We conceptualize, administer and / or animate your PrestaShop online store, in order to carry out e-commerce.
  • Domain name reservation, hosting configuration and software installation
  • Creation or adaptation of design
  • Implementation of specific plugin
  • Integration of a blog to improve the SEO of the shop
  • Setting up of the pages: reception, legal notices, general conditions of sale, payment methods, delivery methods, return conditions, contact form and about
  • Setting up products and their categories
  • Configuration of payment systems
  • Configuration of the back offfice
Flexible duration • Variable price

AdWords Campaigns

We organize your AdWords campaigns (the Google ad network), ads can be in formats: text, images and video.
  1. We refine your goals
  2. We target your audiences
  3. We select your keywords
  4. We group key words
  5. We manage negative keywords
  6. We respect your budgets
  7. We write your ad
  8. We determine your bids
  9. We schedule A / B tests
  10. We optimize the campaign (s)

The content management systems used

A Content Management System (CMS) is a family of software for designing and dynamically updating websites.

How do you work with Freelance Web Content Writer Chandigarh?

At a distance simply!

Indeed, thanks to the new information technologies, you can now work with collaborators and service providers who are neither in your premises, nor even in your city.

The SEO tools are not lacking and are more and more efficient: telephone, email, videoconferencing. Do not hesitate to contact us to tell us about your project!
How to Hire a Copywriter for Your Ecommerce Business

How to Hire a Copywriter for Your Ecommerce Business

If there was ever a task that most e-commerce professionals do not think about starting a store , it’s writing.
Owners of small, medium and large businesses realize that they have to wear many hats, from accountant to pro marketing , but copywriter? This seems a little tedious, especially if your website contains dozens of pages associated with hundreds of products.
In this guide, we’ll explain how to find a copywriter that fits the culture of your business, even if it’s only a freelancer who will work with you on an “as needed” basis.

Why do you need to find a good copywriter for an ecommerce store?

When hiring a copywriter online, you need to look at the resumes, portfolios and everything the editor offers you.
Vetting your copywriter is extremely important because this writing (on your product pages, home page, contact page, About Us page, and everywhere else on your website) builds the entire base of your SEO .
If the editor does not look natural or if she tries to put too many buzzwords or keywords, Google will notice and hit the results of your site. Or, you’re just not going to be considered a credible place of sale.
It is also essential to appease visitors to your human site.
Obviously, you want to draw attention to places like the home page, but the product descriptions are where the real magic happens .
Now, obviously, there are many ways to write product descriptions on a platform such as Shopify or any other reason, but that’s why it’s so important to find someone who understands your culture. business and your clientele or hiring someone willing to learn.
Take, for example, BPI Sports. The editor clearly understands what bodybuilders and athletes appreciate in their supplements. She highlighted the most important nutritional facts in relation to the full description of the product. Then, the secondary information is well organized in chips.
Method Home has an extremely different clientele, so it makes sense that they hire a copywriter who thinks about artists, creators and those who might want to help non-profit organizations. It’s a simple handsoap, but this emphasis on the company sets it apart.

Choose the right places to share your Copywriter Wanted ads

Here is a fact:
You do not always need to hire the best copywriter.
For example, some product descriptions require only a few changes, or sometimes you only try to get certain products on your website without spending an arm and a leg.
In this case, the unique freelance services found at places like Upwork and are quite good. is a cluttered mess of a site, but you will find plenty of decent editors.
For the most experienced editors, it is at this point that we turn to specialized sites. It’s certainly worth doing a search on Google to locate it yourself (and you’ll find some local job sites that may also be useful), but we have a few favorites to start with:

Examples of workstation models

There is no reason to stick a copywriting workstation template in this article because there are tons of them online. In addition, yours should be modified to suit the needs of your business. All have job description templates copywriter for you to start. However, I would focus more on job postings to see what other companies have also shared.
How to Hire a Copywriter for Your Ecommerce Business
That said, we have certain rules to follow when posting your post:
  • Choose a niche – If an editor claims to do everything from blog posts to marketing materials and product descriptions, try looking elsewhere. For example, if all you need are blog posts, find someone who specializes in this. I hope in your own niche.
  • Decide on Skill Level – Not all writers are as good as others, so you can sometimes save a little money if you only need basic product descriptions.
  • Do not Hire SEO Pros – These self-proclaimed SEO professionals will never be better than an experienced copywriter knowing the basics of inserting the right keywords into their copy. Most “SEO Pros” are terrible writers.
  • Do not harp on conversion rates – A quality copywriter is not a professional analyst. You engage them to create engaging, fun or professional content. They may sprinkle some keywords for you, but the best writers are not going to work for you if you expect them to reach the conversion numbers. It’s your job, or someone else you hire.

How to hire a copywriter: veterinary candidates

When you start sharing your job posting on certain forums or communities of freelancers, waves of applications will begin to arrive.
It’s good to take a look at resumes and resumes, but it’s not very important when hiring a copywriter.
People can say anything on a resume, so you prefer to test the editor as you would if you hired a chef for a restaurant.

Round 1

The first round is where you ask the candidates to complete a test. This test has no questions, but rather tasks on which they must work.
Focus only on the projects they would do if they were hired. For example, if the job requires them to write product descriptions, pay them a little money to work on five to ten descriptions only for your company.
If they have to fill in regular blog posts, ask for one or two complete articles that they think will work well on your blog.

Round 2

After choosing your favorites, you may still have to cut a few people. If this is the case, send each candidate changes or items that may be improved. You may not be doing so much during the work process, but it can really eliminate bad writers because good writers are willing to hear comments and make changes.

Follow these methods to find a copywriter you need

The process is not so complicated once you’ve read it, but the main point to remember is that you’re trying to make your brand unique. Forget the SEO and return on investment, but find a writer who knows the language and grammar, but also makes your business unique.
What factors do you consider when hiring a copywriterShare with us in the comment section below!
Let us know if you have questions in the comments section.