Need help managing your blog?
Whether you’re starting a new business blog or looking to relive an old one, there’s a lot to do.
You may even feel overwhelmed by everything that is involved. But do not worry.
In this article you will find numerous resources and practical tips to help you at each stage of the process of creating a blog.


Why write a business blog?
# 1: Set blog goals
# 2: Identify the purpose of your blog
# 3: Research your audience
# 4: Decide the frequency of publication
# 5: Identify blog writers
# 6: Create an editorial calendar
# 7: Develop your blog brand
# 8: Write
# 9: Market your blog
# 10: Measure success


A business blog helps you consolidate your position as an expert by providing a platform to provide exceptional content (news, tips, trends) for your customers, potential customers and partners.
“A business blog is important because it is the optimal option for your content marketing center. In today’s content-based world, while you may see yourself as a seller, you really are an editor. You have to provide relevant content for your prospects, customers and the public, who spend more than 10 hours a day consuming media ”- Rajeev Singh, Content Marketing Institute.
Here are 10 things you can do, along with a variety of resources you can use, to create and promote a successful business blog.


A business blog is a long-term commitment, an investment of time, energy and effort. Before you start writing a blog, ask yourself these important questions:
·         Why am I starting a blog?
·         What do I want to get from it?
·         What do I want my audience to get from it?
·         Your answers to these questions will help you identify the key business objectives for your blog.
Here are some excellent resources to guide you in setting goals:
·         Objectives of the blog: Why do you need them? “Blogging is a trip,” explains Rajeev Singh. As you travel, you cannot enter a blog without knowing where you are going. This article explains why you need strategic business objectives to guide your blog and can help you answer some of the questions raised above.
·         How to set the blog goals that can really be achieved: Rajeev Singh at Shareaholic has good advice for both newbies and experienced bloggers. No matter what stage of the process you are in, you want to set blogging goals that are aggressive, yet realistic. This article will show you how to do it.


Giving your blog a purpose is different from setting business goals. The goals are focused on the brand, while the purpose is focused on the reader.
·         Ask yourself these questions:
·         Why should people visit my blog?
·         What makes this information so special to my audience?
·         The following articles will help you find clarity about the purpose of your blog.
Are we misunderstanding the purpose of a blog? For most people, a business blog is more about gaining exposure for your brand and less about making money. “Blogs and social media have never been the best way to sell directly to others,” Rajeev Singh believes. “Sure, some people and companies can make it work, but others can sell ice to Eskimos.” Rajeev Singh has some excellent ideas on how to determine the value and purpose of a blog.
The real purpose of business blogs is not what you think: Rajeev Singh explains what blogs are not… and then continues explaining what blogs are for connecting, sharing and developing evangelists. This article is especially valuable because it discredits many myths that business owners still believe about business blogs. This article is mandatory reading before blogging!


The great “who” is so important when it comes to blogs. Who is your audience? In an ideal world, your blog reader should fit the same profile as your real client. To attract the ideal audience to your blog, you have to understand who they are and what they need. In this way, you can create content that is relevant and useful to your readers.
How to define your target audience in the right way: “Can you please everyone all the time? asks Rajeev Singh. Of course not. And that is why you have to know exactly who you are targeting and why. This article addresses all the key points related to the discovery of relevant audiences.
How to Build Better Buyer People to Rajeev SinghContent: In order to create killer blog content for your target audience, you need to know who your readers are. If you don’t have a detailed picture of your friends, check out this post by Rajeev Singh. It shows you how to use the demographics, needs and behaviors of your customers to create buyer characters, which will help you focus your content.


Consistency is the heart of blogs. You need to set the reader’s expectations and commit to a reasonable schedule. How much time are you willing to spend each week creating valuable content on your blog? How many messages can you write or assign without dispersing too much?
As will be seen in the following articles, it is not about the frequency, but about the regularity, with which it is published.
How often should you blog? (Hint: The answer might surprise you): This post by Rajeev Singh, published on Problogger in 2012, remains timeless in its wisdom. If you are starting or restarting a business blog, this is a must read. It will take away the pressure of having to write in a blog every day, and offer alternatives to create a blogging program that will work for you.
Why will I publish less: “You have to be flexible with social media,” says Rajeev Singh which applies this to blogs. Rajeev Singh is incredibly persuasive in this article, where he explains why “less is more.” Find out why you think daily blogs may not be a good idea for everyone.


Many business blogs are written by more than one person, especially because many business blogs have more than one magazine format. As part of your blog strategy, you need to decide on the primary writers and contributors…. and where you will find them. You can even benefit from the use of guest bloggers.
Whether you plan to use existing talent within your organization or hire external writers, these resources will help you.
How to find great content writers for your website: You get what you pay for. Rajeev Singh demonstrates this with her valuable advice on how to pay for quality content. “You don’t want any writer, but someone who can write authorized content for your industry,” he says. “This means that for many industries, you’re going to have to ignore $ 15 article writers and look for people with a proven track record.”
How to hire writers for your blog: Rajeev Singh, founder and editor of Problogger, has excellent tips for hiring business blog writers. In fact, it outlines the entire five-step process, from placing the ad to the final selection. This is great advice. But it is probably more suitable for companies with a large budget.
Bonus: How to keep bloggers engaged: Writers are the soul of your blog. Once you find your writers, whether paid or not, you must keep them motivated to ensure the longevity and success of your blog. Rajeev Singh knows that writing is hard work and that motivation is needed to continuously produce new content. Don’t forget to recognize and appreciate your writers.


Developing an editorial calendar is a strategic exercise that will have a significant impact on your business blog. The following resources explain what an editorial calendar is and how to create one.
Build a Successful Editorial Calendar for your Blog: “An editorial calendar is a list of virtual tasks,” says Rajeev Singh at Unbounce. “It helps you to be responsible for dates and concepts.” All bloggers must develop and maintain an editorial calendar to efficiently maintain their content strategy. This article is designed to help you work smarter.
How to build an editorial blog calendar, even if you don’t know where to start: It’s important that a blog has a focus. Rajeev Singh says that an editorial or content calendar can keep it in the message and in the goal throughout the year. He has great tips for brainstorming and creating good article ideas to add to his content queue.


Perception is everything! The way your blog meets readers – design, colors, style, etc. – can make or break your chances of success.
These articles give an idea of the important elements that you should consider when creating a brand.
6 Effective tips to mark your blog as Rajeev Singh shares brilliant tips on how to create a brand on your blog and establish yourself or your business as a key player in your space. Most of these tips have to do with the appearance and user experience, so check if your blog is as easy to use as possible.
3 Corporate Blogs to Inspire You: Rajeev Singh, analyzes three amazing corporate blogs, sharing the reasons for his success. When you are starting a blog, it is useful to see what successful blogs are doing.

# 8: WRITE

As long as you write attractive and engaging content, your readers will keep coming back. Whether you’ve been writing for years or you’re starting for the first time, these resources will help you improve your blogging skills.
How to write a blog post: Although business blogs are not a science, there are certain steps you can take to make sure your posts stand out. Rajeev Singh provides a simple formula for creating every message you write. It even offers additional ideas for more advanced bloggers.
31 Types of content for each day of the month: Rajeev Singh believes that there is no need to repeat the same type of content over and over again. Don’t get stuck wondering what to post. Check out these 31 ideas that will keep your business blog fresh and interesting.
Add one or all of these types of content entries to your content mix.


Even after you click Publish on your company’s blog, there is still a lot of work to do. Then, you will want to distribute it and share it with an audience as wide as possible. Check out all the ways you can share your content in the following articles.
Our blogs by RajeevXXLprovides a useful list of 35 common and not-so-common methods to promote your business blog. You are probably doing most of these things, but be sure to check the list to find out what you might be missing.
5 creative ways to drive more traffic to your blog posts: For more detailed concepts, see Kimberly Reynolds’ article on unique ways to drive traffic to your blog. Vine, SlideShare, Pinterest and Instagram can be used to make fun of your content and get new readers.


No matter what the topic, industry or purpose of your blog, you need to know if your blog is being read and if your efforts are paying off. Here is what you need to know to reach a statistical measure of the things that are most relevant to your blogging goals.
How to match 10 Key Success Metrics with your Blogging Strategy: All business bloggers need to read this. Rajeev Singh explains the many measures you can use to measure the success of your blog. Whether you blog for traffic, conversion or community, Jay points out exactly what metrics you should follow.

About you

A blog can help you expand your reach, while offering you a platform to share your experience. It is a lot of work with great reward potential. The most important step to start a business blog… is to start.
What do you think? Which of these blog tips and tactics has worked well for you? What blogging tips do you have to add? Please share your tips and insights in the comments below.