Archives April 2018

The Diary of A Dog

The Diary of A Dog

Week 1:
It’s been a week since I was born. What happiness to have arrived in this world!
Month 01:
My mom takes care of me very well. She is an exemplary mother.
Month 02:
Today I was separated from mom. She was very worried and said goodbye to me. Hoping that my new “human family” will take care of me as well as it did.
Month 04:
I grew up fast, everything attracts me and interests me. There are several children at home, they are for me like “little brothers”. We are very polite, they pull my tail, and I bite them to play.
Dog, Animal, Pet, Hero, Friend
Month 05:
Today, they contested me. My mistress scolded me because I pee inside the house, but they never told me where to do it. In addition, I sleep in the reserve… and I did not complain!
Month 12:
Today I had a year. I am an adult dog. My teachers say that I grew up more than they thought. What must they be proud of me!
Month 13:
Today, I felt very badly. My “little brother” took my ball. I never take his toys. So I took it back. But my jaws became strong and I hurt him unintentionally. After the fear, they chained me, I can hardly see the sun anymore. They say they will watch me, that I am ungrateful. I do not understand anything that is happening.
Month 15:
Nothing is the same … I live on the balcony. I feel very lonely, my family does not love me anymore. They sometimes forget I am hungry and thirsty. When it rains, I do not have a roof to shelter.
Month 16:
Today they took me down from the balcony. I was sure my family had forgiven me and I was so glad I was jumping for joy. My tail was moving in all directions. In addition, they take me with them for a walk. We took the direction of the road and suddenly, they stopped. They opened the door and I came down happy, thinking we were going to spend the day in the country. I do not understand why they closed the door and left. “Listen, wait!” You … you forget me. I ran behind the car with all my might. My anguish grew when I realized that I was going to faint and that they did not stop: they had forgotten me.
Month 17:
I tried in vain to find my way back home. I feel and I am lost. On my way, there are people of heart who look at me with sadness and give me a little food. I thank them from the look and from the heart. I would like them to adopt me and I would be loyal to them as nobody. But they just say “poor little dog”, he must have lost himself.
Month 18:
The other day, I went past a school and I saw many children and young people as my “little brothers”. I approached and a group, laughing, threw me a shower of stones to “see who was aiming best”. One of the stones ruined my eye and since then I do not see it anymore.
Month 19:
You will not believe it, but people had more pity on me when I was prettier. Now I am very skinny, my appearance has changed. I lost my eye and people make me leave with brooms when I try to lie down in a little shade.
Month 20:
I can hardly move. Today, trying to cross the street where cars drive, I got knocked over. I thought I was in a safe place called a ditch, but I will never forget the driver’s satisfaction that even made a gap to try to crush me. If only he had killed me! But he broke my hip. The pain is terrible, my hind legs do not react anymore and I hardly went to a little grass at the edge of the road.
Month 21:
It’s been 10 days that I spend under the sun, the rain, without eating. I can not move. The pain is unbearable. I feel very bad, I’m in a damp place and it looks like my hair is falling. People pass, they do not even see me, others say “do not approach you”. I’m almost unconscious, but a strange force made me open my eyes … the softness of his voice made me react. She said “Poor little dog, in what state they left you” … with her there was a gentleman in a white coat, he touched me and said “I’m sorry madam, but this dog can no longer be neat, it is better to stop suffering. ” The nice lady started crying and approved.
As I could, I moved my tail and looked at her, thanking her for helping me finally find rest. I only felt the sting of the syringe and I fell asleep forever wondering why I was born if nobody wanted me.
The solution is not to throw a dog on the street, but to educate him. Do not turn a loyal company into a problem. Helps to raise awareness and put an end to the problem of abandoned dogs.
Mac (Apple) or Pc: What to Choose and Why?

Mac (Apple) or Pc: What to Choose and Why?


Computer-based Mac or PC … the eternal dilemma. I will try to enlighten you from my point of view while  *trying* to argue at best and remain objective (I do my best, knowing that I’m not a super pro MAC… but I been helped by a large number of users from both worlds like Fahimy and Julien: thanks to them!).

You can also write me a word if you think the page deserves clarification/corrections just thank you not to attack me in mail, I know that the subject is hot but it is not a reason. Know also that aggressive emails pass directly in limbo, without going through the trash: I do not usually read them in their entirety because their authors do not deserve my attention so much to save your time if you plan to mail me this way. On the contrary, I appreciate, and answer if necessary, the constructive and posed mails.

Image result for Mac (Apple) or PcIntroduction

By way of introduction, I would like to point out immediately that it is difficult to compare these platforms because the operating systems are very different. That said, since now Macs use Intel processors common to PC performance comparison is less complex. This page will only compare PCs to Macs with Intel processors.


For Mac computers, a little less software is available overall. The cost of these software is usually a little higher than their PC equivalent, for what I could see even if there are exceptions with for example the Microsoft Office Pack that is the same price. There is much less game software on Mac, but in all other areas, the range of software choice is also a little smaller, including freeware. Beware, there is however at least one good (and often very expensive …) product in each category, so the right Mac software exist. In this respect, it should be noted that MAC software for desktop publishing is often of better quality and works better, with equivalent computer power, with a MAC: moreover, in professional PAO, for reasons of standard Macs are mainly used . Finally, note that MAC software is,
In this chapter, let us also specify that the installation – and even more the uninstallation – of the software under PC is often longer or more difficult than under MAC which thus manages better this aspect.
Note that BootCamp supplied with Macs makes it easy to install Windows. Similarly, even if the operation is less easy and its legality is not assured, it is possible to install Mac OS X on a PC. In any case this does not make much sense in my opinion because, in addition to the additional cost related to the license of the second OS, all the interest of these platforms lies in their respective operating systems since the


Mac computers are generally not very scalable and much less than PCs because many components are now soldered including RAM and SSD, even on Desktop models.
The stability of the system:
V ou have had to hear that Mac computers “work better” and “plant less.” This means that their operating system is overall very stable and that the management of the equipment is of high quality. This is particularly because Macs are a little more standardized computers and thus the number of different possible parts is smaller which makes easier the development of the system. The quality of the system
However it is necessary to break some myths, including the fact that Mac computers never crash. However, the average number of “crashes” system is really very small and seems to be, on average, for a professional machine requested about 8:00 / day with many software used simultaneously, ie in a “worst case” , about 1 crash every month from the different echoes that I have. Of course,
The comparison is interesting to do with a Linux PC where a well optimized and tuned machine seems to have a system “crash” rate quite similar to that of Mac computers using OS X (under similar usage intensity conditions). ).
Finally, since Windows 7, a Microsoft OS kept up to date, without being on average quite as stable as MAC OS X, can boast a very good stability.

Longevity, life expectancy:

The issue of “longevity” is a subject that is all the more difficult to deal with as it is controversial. This is due to the fact that this longevity is primarily related to the operating system since the electronic components are similar and of similar quality (we can find PCs including better components like PCs with lower quality components).
In fact, everything will depend on the user and the uses. A user with basic knowledge in terms of reasonable use of his machine under Windows, with an updated antivirus and for example that will not open all attachments of his mails can keep his machine functional for a long time.
On the other hand, a very novice Windows user is more likely to have a machine that is logically “dirty” and therefore slowed or even unusable in the event of a major infection. This while the same user very / very beginner under Mac OS X will be better protected by the much smaller number of viruses and by the system, without being completely safe.

The productivity:

MACs are by default often more discreet than PCs. As indicated on the silent pageit is possible to silence a PC but the extra cost is not negligible. These lower noise levels, or even their absence on certain MAC models, are a big plus that should not be neglected: very often both potential buyers and users underestimate the impact of the noise of their machine on their productivity, which is a grave and gross error.
For the rest ie the system itself, the efficiency and ergonomics of recent Windows allows productivity similar to that of recent MACs equipped with similar hardware and software.
For users of various programs under SUN stations (scientific researchers in particular), MACs equipped with OS X have the great advantage of being able to run a number of these software initially reserved for SUN stations, this through different portages. Note also that MAC OS X can benefit from all Unix / Linux tools (GCC compiler, bash, awk, perl, etc.) while offering the benefits of Windows (Office suite, excellent hardware recognition, and connectivity, etc.).


Because it is based on a Unix core, and therefore it is a much more “open” OS than its previous iterations, MAC OS X badly tuned can be hacked.
However, viruses are much less common on Mac OS X and security vulnerabilities are fewer than Windows. That said, even if in practice it will actually involve less risk for the user do not be fooled: if these flaws and security update are fewer for OS X, it is also certainly because it represents a much smaller share of the market and therefore less interested hackers.

The price factor:

With same technical characteristics, the MAC are more expensive but for the comparison to be valid it is necessary to take into account the quality software suite provided by default on the MAC. Indeed, the iLife suite included in the iMac and Mac Mini is known to be user-friendly and powerful, more than the equivalents usually available by default in PCs of major brands equipped with Windows.
It must also be added that the MAC will generally be, by default, more discreet than a PC brand. Finally, do not forget the neat design that is part of the success of MAC. All of these considerations also apply when comparing PC Laptops to MacBooks
In the end, and although there is no doubt that there is an additional cost related to the brand, it is certainly less than what one might think at first glance.
We also have to talk about the cost of computer maintenance that is considered higher for a PC fleet than for a Mac fleet. The cost of using a PC in a company will, therefore, exceed that of a MAC. However, in the end, this only offsets the generally higher price of software licenses for Mac versions as well as the initial overhead associated with the purchase of the machines.
For individuals, the slower devaluation of MAC computers can make it easier to resell a machine when it changes.
Finally, this price factor is also linked to a fashion effect: the MAC is consumed more as an object whereas a PC is consumed more as a tool. For this reason as well as because of the orientation of Apple marketing, it often corresponds a luxury image to the MAC which is sometimes associated with a need for recognition.


It’s up to you to choose and I would not do it for you. I like PCs because I’m a technologist and that this passion can be expressed more fully than MAC but for all the latter have undeniable qualities.
To try to conclude, if you expect a classic use of your computer (office, internet, games …) and want a cheaper one, in my opinion, you can then take a PC if:
* You carefully choose the components. In addition to reading the parts and peripherals section of the site, consider using the custom PC generator engine.
* You are using it correctly, which means that you do not have to open all the attachments of the received mails or to add daily various programs shareware/freeware without being cautious and without neat uninstallation.
* You want to have the pleasure to completely assemble your machine yourself and make it evolve which will give you many hours of pleasure with each new modification motivated by the use of a new software.
On the contrary take a MAC if you are not too handy, if you have the means and / or a budget a little higher, if you are not a big fan of games, if you want to have the maximum productivity / the minimum of worries and that for that you are ready to pay a little more expensive. This type of choice defends itself completely!
Everything will be a little more expensive, but overall you can access all the features of a PC with a Mac if you put the price. Overall too, it will make you less worries of operation and settings than the PC especially as you use it in a conventional way and you will not tinker.
PS: the question is often asked but I do not have the skills and time to make a topic on the choice of MAC, sorry. If you want to have a good Mac in my opinion, overall, it is important to put the price: things are simpler in the world of MAC. Note that more than one topic in the section “PC Parts” in particular will be interesting as well to choose the parts constituting his PC that those constituting his Mac.

Rajeev and Team RSOFT Web Development

Rajeev and Team RSOFT Web Development


We federate around your company or your brand a community of active members, by offering him dedicated spaces of communication: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and also Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat…

We manage your presence on social networks

The number of users of social networks has exploded in recent years, whether in Chandigarh or around the world. Several reasons can explain this important growth: increased Internet speeds, especially on mobile phones (3G, 4G, etc.), lowering the cost of computers and smartphones, improving platforms and social applications, etc. Couriers are also increasingly used, including Messenger and WhatsApp that belong to Facebook.


32 million active users in Chandigarh
Community 22 years on average
Time spent 6h45 per month
B to C Targets *


15.7 million active visitors in Chandigarh
Community from 16 to 24 years old
Time spent 32mn per day
B to C Targets *


9.6 million active users in Chandigarh
Community 44 years old on average
Time spent 17mn per month
B to B targets *


16 million active users in Chandigarh
Community from 25 to 49 years
Time spent 170mn per month
B to C and B to B targets *
* Definition:
The term B to C, for business to consumer, refers to the set of relationships that unite businesses and end consumers.
The term B to B, for business to business, refers to the intercompany business activity.

Our Community Management subscriptions

Community Management is the implementation of a strategy to animate, monitor, influence and defend the image of a company on social networks.
We at Freelance Web Content Writer India along with Rajeev and team offer four annual subscription offers that reflect the most frequent requests from our customers: Basic, Standard, Premium and Magnum.
Hours dedicated to your business 4h per month 8h per month 15h per month 20h per month
Choice of social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter) Facebook Facebook Facebook + Instagram Facebook + 1 to choose
Number of publications (per week) 1 2-3 4-5 by social network 7 by social network
Animation and moderation
Uploading and sharing your corporate visuals (video, photo)
Contact management and relaying private messages
Graphic creation
Monitoring and content search
Balance sheet and e-Reputation report annual half-yearly quarterly monthly
Survey 1 1 per year 2 per year 3 per year
Competition 1 1 per year 2 per year
Writing articles
Sponsored monthly publication 2 5 $ (offered) 20 $ (offered) 45 $ (offered) 80 $ (offered)
Monthly price without commitment $ 320 $ 640 1200 $ 1600 $
Monthly price with commitment of 12 Months 3 (-30%) $ 220 440 $ $ 840 $ 1120
1 with commitment of 12 months
2 monthly purchases of advertisements offered (average cost per 1000 targeted displays (CPM): 5 euro)
3 the creation of your social media strategy and the redesign of your social profiles are offered
It can not be repeated enough but on social networks, it is better to develop your customer base, your turnover and / or your reputation, to have a moderate but regular presence, rather than a strong but punctual presence. We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India along with the team of Rajeev to help our clients.
Any company wishing to have more visibility, increase the traffic on its website, or benefit from more customers … Can opt for the sponsored publicationKnow that advertising on Facebook and Instagram does not necessarily require a big budget and can pay you big.
So to accompany your development on social networks, we at Freelance Web Content Writer India along with Rajeev and team offer you every month advertising, it is a great way to reach your prospects closer to where they are.
Finally, to have a precise knowledge of our services performed for you on social networks, we provide you with a report by email, in the form of a detailed report: monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual.
To increase your visibility and your notoriety, subscribe to the offer that suits you best. A community manager will then contact you to identify your needs, set your goals and establish the editorial line of your social media strategy.
If you do not find here the formula that corresponds to your context, we will be happy to design the tailor-made contract that will suit you perfectly!

4 good reasons to choose Freelance Web Content Writer Chandigarh

1. Accessible offers!

We at Freelance Web Content Writer India along with Rajeev and team offer four annual subscription offers, at great prices.

2. Develop your image!

Social networks have enormous potential and allow you to become known and increase your reputation for a very reasonable budget!

3. More time for your activities!

Thanks to Freelance 
Web Content 
Writer Chandigarh
you will have more time to devote to your business, without worrying about your presence on social networks!

4. Personalized offers!

We adapt your presence on social networks and communicate according to your image and your desires!

Our digital services at best prices

Depending on your needs and your objectives we offer tailor-made solutions.

 Digital Strategy

For TPE, SME, Large Enterprise, Brand and Product. We accompany the daily development of your e-community by promoting exchanges.
  • We advise you in the choice of your social networks
  • We are domiciling your company on social networks
  • We take care of your editorial line
  • We develop an editorial calendar 

 Advertising on social networks

From strategy to feedback analysis, our team sets up your social advertising to boost the performance of your business.
  • Creation and configuration of sponsored publications
  • Advertising Facebook
  • Instagram Advertising
  • LinkedIn Advertising
  • Advertisement Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat …

 Community Management

You delegate the animation of your social networks to an enthusiastic Community Manager, dedicated to your company (4 hours minimum per month). He will find the right words to respond quickly to questions from Internet users and solve their problems. So that they are your best ambassadors!
  • We manage your contacts, with transmission of private messages and personalized answers
  • We upload and share your corporate visuals (video clips, photos)
  • We moderate and animate the comment sections
  • We organize polls, games and contests
  • We provide you with a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual task report

 Content creation

Our team develops content and animates your social networks : photos, videos, illustrations, texts.
  • Content writing and search
  • Taking pictures, videos (Chandigarh Tricity)
  • 360 ° video shooting (Chandigarh Tricity)
Flexible duration • Variable price
Writing and posting of WordPress blog articles and / or newsletters on topics related to your company
  • We develop your content marketing strategy or “content marketing”
  • We develop your Inbound Marketing or Inbound Marketing strategy

 Eve e-Reputation

Specialist in public relations, especially e-reputation and intelligence: we act with audacity and finesse to always enhance the image of your company and lead a regular strategic monitoring.
  • We ensure the reputation of your company on the internet thanks to innovative tools
  • We provide you with a watch report, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually

 WordPress website design

We take care of the design, administration and animation of your website or merchant portal (WooCommerce), to support your online visibility in a professional manner.
  • Domain name reservation, hosting configuration and setting up the WordPress CMS
  • Creation or adaptation of design
  • Implementation of specific plugin
Flexible duration • Variable price

 PrestaShop shop design

We conceptualize, administer and / or animate your PrestaShop online store, in order to carry out e-commerce.
  • Domain name reservation, hosting configuration and software installation
  • Creation or adaptation of design
  • Implementation of specific plugin
  • Integration of a blog to improve the SEO of the shop
  • Setting up of the pages: reception, legal notices, general conditions of sale, payment methods, delivery methods, return conditions, contact form and about
  • Setting up products and their categories
  • Configuration of payment systems
  • Configuration of the back offfice
Flexible duration • Variable price

AdWords Campaigns

We organize your AdWords campaigns (the Google ad network), ads can be in formats: text, images and video.
  1. We refine your goals
  2. We target your audiences
  3. We select your keywords
  4. We group key words
  5. We manage negative keywords
  6. We respect your budgets
  7. We write your ad
  8. We determine your bids
  9. We schedule A / B tests
  10. We optimize the campaign (s)

The content management systems used

A Content Management System (CMS) is a family of software for designing and dynamically updating websites.

How do you work with Freelance Web Content Writer Chandigarh?

At a distance simply!

Indeed, thanks to the new information technologies, you can now work with collaborators and service providers who are neither in your premises, nor even in your city.

However, if your company is located in Chandigarh or its region, we can also meet you directly in your premises.
The SEO tools are not lacking and are more and more efficient: telephone, email, videoconferencing. Do not hesitate to contact us to tell us about your project!