Rajeev and Team RSOFT Web Development



We federate around your company or your brand a community of active members, by offering him dedicated spaces of communication: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and also Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat…

We manage your presence on social networks

The number of users of social networks has exploded in recent years, whether in Chandigarh or around the world. Several reasons can explain this important growth: increased Internet speeds, especially on mobile phones (3G, 4G, etc.), lowering the cost of computers and smartphones, improving platforms and social applications, etc. Couriers are also increasingly used, including Messenger and WhatsApp that belong to Facebook.


32 million active users in Chandigarh
Community 22 years on average
Time spent 6h45 per month
B to C Targets *


15.7 million active visitors in Chandigarh
Community from 16 to 24 years old
Time spent 32mn per day
B to C Targets *


9.6 million active users in Chandigarh
Community 44 years old on average
Time spent 17mn per month
B to B targets *


16 million active users in Chandigarh
Community from 25 to 49 years
Time spent 170mn per month
B to C and B to B targets *
* Definition:
The term B to C, for business to consumer, refers to the set of relationships that unite businesses and end consumers.
The term B to B, for business to business, refers to the intercompany business activity.

Our Community Management subscriptions

Community Management is the implementation of a strategy to animate, monitor, influence and defend the image of a company on social networks.
We at Freelance Web Content Writer India along with Rajeev and team offer four annual subscription offers that reflect the most frequent requests from our customers: Basic, Standard, Premium and Magnum.
Hours dedicated to your business 4h per month 8h per month 15h per month 20h per month
Choice of social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter) Facebook Facebook Facebook + Instagram Facebook + 1 to choose
Number of publications (per week) 1 2-3 4-5 by social network 7 by social network
Animation and moderation
Uploading and sharing your corporate visuals (video, photo)
Contact management and relaying private messages
Graphic creation
Monitoring and content search
Balance sheet and e-Reputation report annual half-yearly quarterly monthly
Survey 1 1 per year 2 per year 3 per year
Competition 1 1 per year 2 per year
Writing articles
Sponsored monthly publication 2 5 $ (offered) 20 $ (offered) 45 $ (offered) 80 $ (offered)
Monthly price without commitment $ 320 $ 640 1200 $ 1600 $
Monthly price with commitment of 12 Months 3 (-30%) $ 220 440 $ $ 840 $ 1120
1 with commitment of 12 months
2 monthly purchases of advertisements offered (average cost per 1000 targeted displays (CPM): 5 euro)
3 the creation of your social media strategy and the redesign of your social profiles are offered
It can not be repeated enough but on social networks, it is better to develop your customer base, your turnover and / or your reputation, to have a moderate but regular presence, rather than a strong but punctual presence. We have started Freelance Web Content Writer India along with the team of Rajeev to help our clients.
Any company wishing to have more visibility, increase the traffic on its website, or benefit from more customers … Can opt for the sponsored publicationKnow that advertising on Facebook and Instagram does not necessarily require a big budget and can pay you big.
So to accompany your development on social networks, we at Freelance Web Content Writer India along with Rajeev and team offer you every month advertising, it is a great way to reach your prospects closer to where they are.
Finally, to have a precise knowledge of our services performed for you on social networks, we provide you with a report by email, in the form of a detailed report: monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual.
To increase your visibility and your notoriety, subscribe to the offer that suits you best. A community manager will then contact you to identify your needs, set your goals and establish the editorial line of your social media strategy.
If you do not find here the formula that corresponds to your context, we will be happy to design the tailor-made contract that will suit you perfectly!

4 good reasons to choose Freelance Web Content Writer Chandigarh

1. Accessible offers!

We at Freelance Web Content Writer India along with Rajeev and team offer four annual subscription offers, at great prices.

2. Develop your image!

Social networks have enormous potential and allow you to become known and increase your reputation for a very reasonable budget!

3. More time for your activities!

Thanks to Freelance 
Web Content 
Writer Chandigarh
you will have more time to devote to your business, without worrying about your presence on social networks!

4. Personalized offers!

We adapt your presence on social networks and communicate according to your image and your desires!

Our digital services at best prices

Depending on your needs and your objectives we offer tailor-made solutions.

 Digital Strategy

For TPE, SME, Large Enterprise, Brand and Product. We accompany the daily development of your e-community by promoting exchanges.
  • We advise you in the choice of your social networks
  • We are domiciling your company on social networks
  • We take care of your editorial line
  • We develop an editorial calendar 

 Advertising on social networks

From strategy to feedback analysis, our team sets up your social advertising to boost the performance of your business.
  • Creation and configuration of sponsored publications
  • Advertising Facebook
  • Instagram Advertising
  • LinkedIn Advertising
  • Advertisement Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat …

 Community Management

You delegate the animation of your social networks to an enthusiastic Community Manager, dedicated to your company (4 hours minimum per month). He will find the right words to respond quickly to questions from Internet users and solve their problems. So that they are your best ambassadors!
  • We manage your contacts, with transmission of private messages and personalized answers
  • We upload and share your corporate visuals (video clips, photos)
  • We moderate and animate the comment sections
  • We organize polls, games and contests
  • We provide you with a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual task report

 Content creation

Our team develops content and animates your social networks : photos, videos, illustrations, texts.
  • Content writing and search
  • Taking pictures, videos (Chandigarh Tricity)
  • 360 ° video shooting (Chandigarh Tricity)
Flexible duration • Variable price
Writing and posting of WordPress blog articles and / or newsletters on topics related to your company
  • We develop your content marketing strategy or “content marketing”
  • We develop your Inbound Marketing or Inbound Marketing strategy

 Eve e-Reputation

Specialist in public relations, especially e-reputation and intelligence: we act with audacity and finesse to always enhance the image of your company and lead a regular strategic monitoring.
  • We ensure the reputation of your company on the internet thanks to innovative tools
  • We provide you with a watch report, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually

 WordPress website design

We take care of the design, administration and animation of your website or merchant portal (WooCommerce), to support your online visibility in a professional manner.
  • Domain name reservation, hosting configuration and setting up the WordPress CMS
  • Creation or adaptation of design
  • Implementation of specific plugin
Flexible duration • Variable price

 PrestaShop shop design

We conceptualize, administer and / or animate your PrestaShop online store, in order to carry out e-commerce.
  • Domain name reservation, hosting configuration and software installation
  • Creation or adaptation of design
  • Implementation of specific plugin
  • Integration of a blog to improve the SEO of the shop
  • Setting up of the pages: reception, legal notices, general conditions of sale, payment methods, delivery methods, return conditions, contact form and about
  • Setting up products and their categories
  • Configuration of payment systems
  • Configuration of the back offfice
Flexible duration • Variable price

AdWords Campaigns

We organize your AdWords campaigns (the Google ad network), ads can be in formats: text, images and video.
  1. We refine your goals
  2. We target your audiences
  3. We select your keywords
  4. We group key words
  5. We manage negative keywords
  6. We respect your budgets
  7. We write your ad
  8. We determine your bids
  9. We schedule A / B tests
  10. We optimize the campaign (s)

The content management systems used

A Content Management System (CMS) is a family of software for designing and dynamically updating websites.

How do you work with Freelance Web Content Writer Chandigarh?

At a distance simply!

Indeed, thanks to the new information technologies, you can now work with collaborators and service providers who are neither in your premises, nor even in your city.

However, if your company is located in Chandigarh or its region, we can also meet you directly in your premises.
The SEO tools are not lacking and are more and more efficient: telephone, email, videoconferencing. Do not hesitate to contact us to tell us about your project!