Yoga and Pilates are both gentle fitness techniques, challenging both the physical and the mental. They share so many similarities that the public sometimes has great difficulty in differentiating them. Some people come to believe that Pilates is ultimately a derivative of Yoga. However, these methods have very distinct philosophies and a specific technicality. The benefits to the body and mind will not be of the same nature.
Find-A-Course offers you an update on the differences between Yoga and Pilates and helps you choose the activity that best suits your needs.
The main principles of Yoga
Lotus sitting in a yoga class originating in India, Yoga was codified between 300 and 500 BC in a collection of Indian philosophy (Yoga sūtra) written by Patanjali: a scholar who became famous. Yoga is above all a relaxation technique designed to promote the link between the physical, the psychic and the spiritual through different postures. Beyond the physical virtues, this discipline has a strong spiritual dimension and depending on the style chosen, it can be accompanied by meditation and a particular lifestyle.
Yoga generally reaches an audience in search of greater flexibility, more gentle physical activity, better management of stress and anxiety, greater concentration or a healthier lifestyle.
Yoga is declined in dozens of styles differing by the speed and the fluidity of the movements, the duration of postures (asanas), the presence of meditation or not, a work on the endurance or the force. This diversity allows to reach a wide audience:
For a simple and accessible Yoga for everyone
Hatha Yoga is the most popular version of Yoga. It is executed by sequences of slow movements with simple poses held for 2-3 minutes. Particular attention is paid to breathing and concentration.
For more dynamic exercises
Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga or Power Yoga are fast disciplines with vigorous movements. The program is based on rhythmic sequences and postures, including slits and pumps, connected to breathing exercises. Uninterrupted, the movements are harmonious and help to work strength and flexibility.
For Experienced
People Long-time practitioners or experienced sportsmen will be tempted by Air Yoga. A struggle of gravity is required, with postures and movements performed in the air, the practitioner being suspended by a ribbon. Aerial Yoga is a subtle blend of classical yoga, dance , Pilates, aerobics and Swedish gymnastics, where flexibility and strength are king.
For Abundant Sweating and Greater Weight Loss
Bikram Yoga, also known as Hot Yoga, is recommended for those who wish to lose weight while working on the flexibility of their body. Classes are taught in a room heated between 37 and 39° C. Therefore, each movement causes more calories to be lost.
For a Focus on Body Alignment
Iyengar Yoga and Anusara Yoga focus on the accuracy of body alignment through postures held for a specific time. These two disciplines involve the use of accessories (belts, chairs, blocks, tape, blanket) to optimize stretching.
For a restorative Yoga
To relax and fight against some of the problems caused by stress or bad posture, slow yoga is perfect. Through simple poses held up to 20 minutes and the use of accessories (cushions, straps, bolster …), the practitioner completely relaxes his muscles and learns to relax.
For a spiritual awakening
Finally, if the principle that draws you into Yoga is the spiritual search, then turn to Yoga Sivananda or Juvamukti. These contemporary methods aim to teach a lifestyle that is focused on relaxation, meditation and vegetarianism through breathing exercises, singing and reading the founding writings of yoga.
The main principles of Pilates
Pilates classes for women to strengthen the musclesPilates is based on gymnastic exercises, sometimes close to fitness, with postures more sought after than Yoga. More than relaxation, it is the concentration that is important in this discipline, to make the muscle groups involved work. This method of fitness consists in developing certain parts of the body and learning how to coordinate them.
By practicing Pilates exercises, the individual also learns to control the intensity of his movements, including through accessories such as gym ball, straps, rings or scales. This discipline lists more than 500 exercises, based on these 6 fundamental principles:
The concentration
All the sequences must be perfectly executed and modeled on the breathing. The physical and the conscience must work in concert.
The breathing
Pilates learns to master the different types of breathing (dorsal, costal, abdominal …), in order to use it in the execution of each movement.
The central area of the body, also called “Core”, is the most important part of Pilates practice. It is solicited at each movement because it centralizes all the energy.
The order
Pilates sessions are performed according to a precise sequence of movements and postures. It is important to respect it, to fully enjoy the benefits of this method of fitness.
Flexibility and harmony of the body are at the heart of Pilates practice. Each movement is slow and full of impulse.
In addition to being fluid, every movement is perfectly controlled and executed. If so, it should start again until it is acquired, in order to move on to the next.
The different effects of Yoga and Pilates
Let’s get to the heart of the matter to focus on the notable differences, both in practice and in the short and long-term effects of his two disciplines.
Weight loss
With regard to the loss of calories, which is often one of the main objectives of fitness classes, it is equivalent in both cases. Indeed, Pilates and Yoga focus more on the rebalancing of the body, on the harmony between the mental and the physical, as well as on the general firming of the silhouette. If your main objective is to say goodbye to unnecessary pounds, then opt for fitness classes , much more effective.
The use of breathing
The first difference between these two disciplines lies in the way you use your breath. In Yoga, breathing is the basis for relaxation, while Pilates classes use breathing to oxygenate the muscles at the right time to provide flexibility for movement.
Strength and flexibility
After a few sessions of Yoga, the body and the joints benefit from a reinforced suppleness and tonicity. For Pilates, the practitioner has overall muscle building, increased stamina, and greater physical strength. The back and hips also become more flexible, allowing you to better live in a unique position every day (sitting or standing all day). In addition, the silhouette is also firmed and thinned.
The reduction of back pain
These two disciplines are useful for relieving back pain because they help to strengthen the back muscles and to better support daily postures. However, in case of chronic back pain, it is recommended to seek the advice of a coach before starting a series of exercises.
To calm anxieties and learn how to better manage stress, Yoga remains the best choice. Slow practices will help the practitioner to release all tensions and learn to better manage his negative emotions .
Yoga mom-baby at homePilates and Yoga can be practiced by everyone, at any age. Only more “sporting” versions of Yoga should be reserved for experienced practitioners. As a result, even pregnant women can enroll in these fitness classes. There are sessions dedicated to them, as well as Mom-Baby Yoga classes for them to continue classes after delivery. Therefore, it is up to you to probe your real needs. If you are more interested in regaining control of your body, then Pilates will be more advisable. For a spiritual need, where relaxation and well-being are kings, Yoga or meditation classes will do you the greatest good.
Finally, know that it is possible to combine the two! You can find the harmony of your body and learn to better manage your emotions while developing your physical strength.