What Is the Best Crypto Currency for a long-term Investment?

Hi, it’s Rajeev! Today I will answer the question: what is the best cryptocurrency for a long-term investment but before starting click on the “subscribe” button to subscribe to the YouTube channel and not miss any video. It’s just below the video and then you have one in the corner here or there. You click on “subscribe” so you subscribe to the YouTube channel. So obviously what I’m going to say here is only my personal opinion, the world of crypto-currencies evolves hyper hyper quickly so it is very possible that this video when you look at it is already obsolete. 

There we are late October early November 2017 and again it is only a personal opinion since anyway the answer nobody knows it. We can not predict the future and we do not know it. But I will still give you my opinion. So my opinion is that the best investment for a cryptocurrency for a long term investment is Bitcoin. So you say “oh shit all that for that, all this for Bitcoin, it’s stupid.” Why? I explain to you. So first of all, there are many, many other crypto-currencies, so-called Altcoins so other than the main ones, thousands, it’s created every day that’s it and there are some of these crypto-currencies that will have an absolutely spectacular growth as Bitcoin has known today, as the Ethereum knew after and so if you have the chance to find the right one among these thousands and thousands of crypto-currencies, you can to make a gain probably absolutely huge. But once again it is necessary that you have the blow of bolt to fall on this one, finally the blow of bowl or that you felt that it was going to happen. I was content to take say the 10 largest crypto-currencies or the 5 largest cryptocurrencies and I actually even looked mainly between Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litcoin, Neo possibly, this kind of things. Why my answer is Bitcoin? Many elements. First, it is the one that is the most democratized in the ecosystem today and we must not forget one thing is that a currency has what is called a liberating power, that is to say that you can do something with it, you can use it, you can spend it to buy something and today there are not a lot of physical places or websites that accept crypto-currencies but those who do it basically accept Bitcoin only and not another. And so that’s very important if we want Bitcoin to establish itself in the very long term and really become a cryptocurrency, to really become a currency we use every day, it has to be accepted. Today the websites and the physical places that make the transition towards the crypto-currencies, in general do not say “well we will accept the Litcoin or the Ether or anything, we will accept the Bitcoin.” That’s a first thing, a second extremely important thing, you probably know if you’re interested in Bitcoin, there is a limited amount and it will never move. The main competitor obviously for this video would have been Ether, Ethereum but Ethereum there is not a limited amount. So in fact there is a quantity produced which is always the same, so that it decreases compared to the total quantity but there will always be new Ether pardon that will be created while the Bitcoin 21 million stops forever. And so and of course, it’s like gold, when there will be a limited amount but imagining that 10%, 20%, 30% of the population turns to Bitcoin, and well its course will absolutely absolutely explode and that does not mean that the price of other crypto-currencies, of all Altcoins will increase so that’s the second reason. And then the third reason, which may be actually the first, I could have started with that but it is simply that they have what is called the “first mover advantage” so the advantage of being first. They are simply the best known today, the most widespread is those where there are the most people today who use it and simply finally every time other Altcoins develop, the Bitcoin also continues to develop in parallel and so it has a kind of lead that the others for the moment have not managed to catch up even though actually Ethereum today has a lot of users but he still less than Bitcoin to my knowledge. And so it’s that being first, being the oldest gives him a huge head start than today almost 10 years later, no one has caught up and so it is quite possible that no one will ever make up that lead. That’s why in my opinion Bitcoin is the best investment in crypto-currencies over the long term. Again this is a hyper personal opinion and there is a 99% chance that in 6 months, 1 year, 10 years, we realize that I said anything? I tried to bring my answer elements with my arguments. Do not hesitate to tell me in comment of this video what you think, if you agree, if you do not agree. Obviously if you do not agree, and tell me your arguments that interests me, we can even exchange, debate on the subject. And if you like this video, do not hesitate to subscribe to the YouTube channel, to put a little like, possibly put a comment saying “super Gabriel, I agree / do not agree. “Obviously in addition to this video, you are free to receive my winning investment criteria free of charge with the link I put in the video description just in below, you click and you receive them directly by email. And here I tell you very soon for another video, ciao!