The Arango (Dog) Family Remember the Day Very Well

The Arango family remember the day very well. Almost 7 years ago. Lola, their furry family member on all fours, escaped the yard in a hole she had dug under the fence. She was only a little puppy. For months, the family searched for their beloved Boston Terrier. They called the shelters and vets, put up posters, and searched relentlessly. But their little Lola never turned up. The Arango could not hope that somewhere, someone cared for their daughter with the love she deserved. “Imagine losing a family member,” she told CBS News, “I was looking for as much as I could. Life goes on “. And life is not going on, without Lola. That is, until an animal advocate, completely unknown to the Arango, and unaware of Lola’s search, responded to a Craigslist ad nearly seven years after the little dog disappeared.

On Sunday, Linda Gall noticed a dog being given free on Craigslist. The announcement stated that they could no longer take care of the dog they had loved for the last seven years. Knowing the dangers for dogs given free, Gall has picked up the dog. The first stop in Gall was the vet where the dog was scanned for an electronic chip. Gall immediately called Julie Arango, who is contact information was always related to that electronic chip, and still up to date after so many years. Arango did not quite believe what she was told. “She was adamant,” said Arango. “She’s going, ‘No. You’re Julie, and you got a Boston Terrier and her name was Lola.” “I thought,’ It’s been so many years … She’s going, I’m your dog. , “No” I got goosebumps everywhere. “

Wolf, Red, Fox, Animal, Wild, Forest

Julie’s daughter, Celina, was only 12 when Lola disappeared. Now, 19, she is delighted that Lola seems to remember her. “I’m definitely going to go every day with this puppy,” said Celina. “Take it out. Catch up lost days. I am so happy that it feels like she remembers me. “
Fortunately, the Arango had Lola microchip as a puppy, and continued to keep its smart registration updated over the years. Julie says that she always had a feeling that someone would find Lola, have her digitized, and get her back home. They should only take 7 years. Microchip is the absolute best way to ensure a lost pet is returned. But, just microchip your pet is not always enough. The chip must be registered, contact information kept up to date. And, when a lost or lost dog is found, always have the animal scanned. Any veterinary office, shelter or animal control will be happy to scan a dog for free, in the hope of locating an owner.