Make money with a blog

In this article we will see:
How long can you make money with a blog
How to make money with a blog
How to live from your blog
This article is the transcript of my video on how to make money with his blog.
Living from your blog
The time needed to earn a SMIC with his blog
If you start from scratch, it will certainly take you 4 to 6 months to really earn your first 100 €. The hard part is to go from 0 to 100 € per month with his blog.
Why do you have to be patient to make money with a blog?
You may not have knowledge of blogging
You will need to publish content (mainly articles) to attract your first visitors
Google will take its time to properly position your blog in its search results
At this stage reading, I believe that 90% of readers will give up. So congratulations to the 10% because I have good news: a blog leads, in the long run, much more than your current salary. It also allows to be financially free and to have much more free time. Once your blog is underway, it will work for you night and day and bring you income. In just 4 months of intensive blogging I managed to win 600 € with a blog. I advise you to register your email below to find out how you can do too.
Source of income of a blog
how to make money through google adsense advertising
If you want to create a blog in the financial or insurance field, you can live blog with advertising with these are currently the ones that bring the most on the internet. An advertiser can pay up to 15 € for a click on a banner.
For all other blogs, be aware that if you do not have at least 5000 visitors per day (and this is very long I guarantee), you will never live your blog through Adsense ads (Google Adsense is the régie Google advertising that allows you to make money by posting ads on your blog).
sell in affiliation on his blog thanks to partner Amazon
Affiliation is about promoting a product on another site and getting a commission every time someone buys that product through you. The best-known affiliate partnership is Amazon Partner. The goal is to create product presentations for sale on Amazon and put a link to this product in your presentation articles and videos. Every time someone clicks on your link, any Amazon purchases from your site will earn you an affiliate commission.
The advantage of affiliation:
saves money by selling known products
does not need to create a product
Just be aware that commissions are not very high for physical products. On the other hand, your affiliate commission will be interesting if you present Ebook (called “Kindle” on Amazon) because they are “virtual” products.
I made a tutorial video where I explain how to sell in affiliation with Amazon.
Sell your product
how to make money selling an ebook on his blog
Product creation is the only method I use on my blogs and it’s the one that pays the most. It is with this method that you will really be able to live on your blog.
What kind of product to create to make money with a blog?
Note: if you do not have a blog, I’ll explain how to create one by clicking here but if you already have one start there
Writing an ebook can bring you money if you promote it. You can send it to Amazon through Amazon’s KDP site .
Creating a video training will be the most profitable content of your blog. Thereafter, you can offer coaching that will also be very profitable but it will require your presence. The advantage of selling product on your blog, is that once the product has brought you enough money for the time you set it up, well you will continue to earn money on the sale of this product.