How to Forget Your Ex and Overcome a Breakup or Divorce?
How to forget his ex after a breakup ? How to regain self-confidence and Love when the person you love more than anything in the world just left you? You have just broken up or been dumped and yet you only hope for one thing: rebuilding yourself?
If you answered yes to at least one of these three big questions, then know that you are in the same situation as the thousands of people I have already accompanied in this event.
If this can even be a little reassuring, know that you are far from the first person to read these lines or to read my articles.
How to forget his ex?
- Accept the break to pass more easily to something else;
- Understand your mistakes and correct them to no longer reproduce them;
- Focus your thoughts on something other than your ex (especially with the sport);
- Get rid of his belongings;
- And open yourself to new friendly or romantic encounters.

Finally, everyone goes through a separation during his life and the goal that we must seek is not to avoid it at all costs because it can also make unhappy (there is nothing worse) to stay with a person you no longer love), but rather to alleviate the pain. So precisely, my role is not only to accompany you to win back the heart of this person who decided to leave, but not only. My goal as a coach in love and personal development should be to bring you comfort and help you move forward, to fight the pain that you feel in your chest and that has been like a stab.
As I explained to you, you are not the first or the first to suffer a decision that forces you to move away from the one you love. Moreover, in August 2009, (and yes more than 5 years already, it’s crazy how time flies!) I had the chance to support Stephanie because she had tried to recover his ex but had to give up after long months of battle without results. I will come back to this article a little longer and you will discover how I was able to help him. It should be known that the reconquest is never simple but it is always part of a process of personal development because the main objective is not to have regrets!
Precisely, during this article, I will not reveal the techniques to bring back your ex. Although this is my specialty, I wanted to open the doors to another facet of my coaching is a little less known but equally effective. This is the personal reconstruction post-rupture or in other words how to manage to forget his ex as quickly as possible to regain the spirit and joy of living in everyday life.
The main purpose of this support is to avoid comparing each person to your ex-partner. Normally when you try to move on, you will naturally take your ex as a model and judge your encounters. This situation simply proves that you have never moved on and are still fixing on your old relationship even months after separation.
This notion of personal reconstruction is essential to me because it is what will allow you to revive you in a new story with another person or to put in place the good actions to win back the one who shared your life. Of course, everything will not be done in a snap, but gradually, thanks to small daily actions, you will be able to move forward and therefore to get better and better. And the more you succeed in getting your head out, the more you will become attractive to the people around you.
This article will interest you in case you want to win back or simply turn the page because you simply suffer and that is why your main goal should be to feel better. For this, it’s a whole process that should be implemented and that I unveil you throughout this article which is a summary of my new audio program which is titled simply: how to rebuild after a break … And to find out, the answer is right before your eyes!
Turning the page of the relationship is absolutely essential!
I can imagine what you are saying to yourself: “How is it possible to say that it is necessary to turn the page after a separation and draw a line on the past?” If you think that way and you have wondered that way, then I must admit that you have perfectly understood my state of mind because if I had been a reader too, I think I would have asked myself this question … No actually I’m sure I would have asked!
When I say that it is absolutely essential to turn the page after a break, that does not mean that you have to cut the bridges with your ex. If you want to stay in touch, free to you. But on the other hand, the message I am trying to convey to you is the following: after a separation or a divorce, you must absolutely change your attitude and especially not behave with your ex as you did when you were in a relationship.
How to turn the page after a breakup?
Turning the page does not mean forgetting everything overnight, acting as if the months or years you spent together did not mean anything or as if it were a perfect one. ) unknown. In the same way, to forget your ex is not to remove it permanently from your thoughts and act as if nothing had ever existed between you because it would be stupid to do so. You can keep memories, but now that the relationship is over, it is essential to look straight ahead. Only one thing must now matter to you, it is your happiness.
The main mistake I see in the people I coach is the desire to go too fast. Nobody can pretend to forget a sentimental past in just a few days. You will need to act with a clear vision of your future to take things in hand.
To return to Stephanie, you remember the young woman who had absolutely tried everything (but not very well I must admit) and who after committing a lot of mistakes had finally decided to contact me (he is never too late rest assured!). Well, that’s exactly the path she followed with my recommendations. She stopped focusing solely on her ex and finally got a little more busy with her. Anyway, she could not really do otherwise because after weeks spent harassing the one who shared her life, he did not want to hear about her any more.

We then established an 8-week strategy. Did you think the reconquest lasted less? Dear friend, we are talking about human relationship and nothing comes in a few days. We must also know how to be patient. I know about this reconquest that last several months or even years. So following this strategy over several weeks, there was an evolution but yet she had not yet recovered the one she loved. But undoubtedly there was better … At least they could have a constructive dialogue and his ex no longer threatened to go to complain.
It is by analyzing a posteriori this evolution that I realized that the best advice that I gave him was the following:
“Today you must forget your ex, turn the page of the past. You know why? We have tried everything to show him your change but we constantly remind him of your story and he remains on a negative feeling because at the time you were a different woman and you could not fill it.
Therefore, if you manage to draw a line on this past, it will do the same and can only see your change and the positive evolution that goes with it! “.
Should we remove all the signs that remind you of your ex?
It’s clear, if you decide to put aside your ex, if only for a while, it may be the best action to get it back! It’s absolutely crazy but that’s how human beings react because we are all afraid of losing what belongs to us. Nobody is made to be single and you will have to fight your fear of remaining alone, just like your ex!
In the audio seminar of which I spoke to you a little higher, you will discover all my tricks to regenerate your emotions, to feel better in your skin and more in confidence but especially not to think about this past which makes you so much to suffer and to regain a taste for life. To benefit from my advice, you just have to do as hundreds of people before you and leave a comment at the bottom of this article I will answer you personally and you can enjoy my best advice! It’s really time to take control of your destiny.

Stephanie managed to get her ex back from the moment she realized that there were anchorages in her that always brought her back to the past and consequently to the negative. According to you who would agree to return to unpleasant moments? Nobody, is not it?
In fact, all the memories she held made her reconquest impossible. Do you know the pictures you keep in your room or on your phone? The places you always go to when thinking about your ex? The discussions between friends where you constantly repeat that it was the perfect man (or the perfect woman)?
Yes, these are anchorages that prevent you from moving forward. The first step to forget your ex is so simple if you are aware and it is nothing more or less to remove everything that brings you back to your past.
How to forget his ex?
I know what you say to yourself: “It’s funny Raeev, forget the ex it’s not easy! How does he want me to go because I can not control my thoughts! “.
It is clear that you are not wrong. Whoever claims otherwise is a liar. However, you have various options available to you that will not allow you not to think about your ex but to limit your presence in your mind. For this, I suggest you play a little game.
There is nothing complicated you will see. It’s just a mental job, which is tied to NLP. For novices, this is the Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a discipline born in the United States in the 70s and whose purpose is to act on subjectivity and thus improve communication between individuals.
To return to your story, you will now try to implement 3 small missions that will allow you to turn the page as soon as possible!
So, from today, you will:
- To forbid you to pronounce his name.
- You do not want to talk about your relationship or even think about it. (Ask your loved ones to do the same).
- Avoid thinking about the places you frequent in order to live new experiences and therefore be in a totally different context.
How to be positive after a sentimental separation?
Thus, if you want to get your ex back, he/she will realize more quickly your change and can take a step back to you. It would be nice if your ex comes back, what do you think ?! You think I exaggerate a bit? Well know that it is possible because it happened again and again. A person who decides to turn off the ignition and comes back sometime later as if by magic… What more could you ask for?
If, on the other hand, you especially want to draw a line on your story, know that it is perfectly possible and the best thing in all of this is that you only have to follow the same pattern. You will gradually chase the negative of your thoughts to focus on the future well-being of your love life.
You thought I was going to stop there and it was my one and only advice? It’s bad to know me because I have more than one technique in my sleeve!
To forget his ex, it is necessary to show self-discipline!
Indeed I will continue to reveal my techniques because I have not been far enough for you to demonstrate the power of my method and in addition, we have barely spoken of YOU!
It is true that self-discipline to chase your ex out of your mind is a crucial step in your development to finally forget but this is not yet enough.
You will have to make concrete progress in your personal life, take time for yourself, set new goals for life. I ask you to be, perhaps for the very first time in your life, a little bit EGOISTIC and to think of you and nothing but you!
If I emphasize this word in capital letters it is simply because it holds an essential place in the role of development and the accomplishment of a person.
Now, I’ll unveil an exercise that may well make you change completely and better…
An exercise to feel better after the breakup
For this reconstruction exercise after a divorce or separation, I ask you to invest thoroughly. If you achieve it by giving the best of yourself and even going beyond your limits you can get a quick profit! This is essential because it is by setting up a surpassing of oneself that one acquires an uncommon mental strength and a will of iron. But before you propose it, I really would like you to take a few minutes to watch this video because it allows to better understand the concepts that I want to develop.
So now it’s time to take a leaf and follow my recommendations:
- Run at least 30 minutes 3 times a week! (Yes I impose you sports sessions and you will love that!). If you’re a mom or dad with beautiful kids or you just do not think you’ll have the time to spend an hour and a half, then there’s a YouTube video of physical activity advice at home today. I do not ask you for more than 15 minutes of exercise in the evening once quiet. Make this little effort because it will be preponderant in your reconstruction.
- Turn off your phone when you are in a moment that you enjoy. This is every privileged moment and lived with your loved ones whether it is family, friends or when you socially involved (e) as in an association for example. The goal is to stay focused as much as possible and not be distracted by an SMS from your ex or by a phone call that could ruin all the work done until then.
- What are you going to do to fully enjoy your weekend? The 48 hours that make up your rest days must be fully planned. Leave nothing to chance to leave no room for the negative reflection of the past and the mini-depression that will follow. You must be systematically busy and have an activity.
- How will you develop your professional life? It’s a good time to take on challenges and challenge yourself. Do not think only about money but the professional field can be fulfilling. So one step now: go for success.
- Will you comment on this article to share and especially to make a commitment to yourself? Personally, I pledge to answer each person because I am really very proud that you read my advice, that you apply it and be your coach!
These first recommendations may seem a little mundane but they are the result of several thousand hours of coaching experience in post-rupture reconstruction.
You will very quickly forget your ex and be able to regain a greater confidence in you and a better self-esteem.
Forgetting his ex, what does that mean exactly?

Understanding the break: an indispensable step!
To forget his ex, it is especially necessary to plan a future and to say to oneself that life continues. I understand that this sentence is extremely hard to hear after a break, but at the same time my role is not to tell you what you want to hear or caress you in the direction of the hair. I am perfectly aware that your friends repeat it often, but when it is a coaching professional who repeats it, it does not have the same meaning! If I say it is that it works !!!
Then we will study it together so that you can benefit from each board in a positive way and without experiencing it as a constraint.
A breakup is the best decision that could happen to you because without knowing it you were not really happy (or happy) in your story. I’m not saying that your ex is not the right person for you but that the relationship you were in was not the most fulfilling!
For what reasons do you think?
Simply because the break has taken place and this is indicative of a bad being, unless you were in the most complete denial and you were so in your world that you did not see anything coming and that you thought your ex was just as much as you the most fulfilled person in the world. Needless to say, in more than 95% people are aware that things are not idyllic but content.
If your ex has made this painful decision, it’s because he/she was no longer fulfilled in your story and necessarily it’s a little the same for you! In Love, we can not have one person unhappy and the other extremely positive.
If, on the other hand, you have made the decision to break then you are expecting a reaction from your ex. You may wish to cause an electroshock that unfortunately did not occur. You must not have regrets. If you acted in this way, you were not or more satisfied and you wanted deep inside you that all this changes.
In any case, you must consider today that this break was necessary for your well being over time. To forget your ex, you will have to make a fixation on all the negative that the relationship has generated. This is not to blacken the picture but simply remember what was not working to stop idealizing your previous relationship.
The trick to forgetting his ex!
I come back to a more practical part with tips that will help you refine your analysis. If you have decided to zap an ex or zap an ex, I propose to answer these various questions.
- What are all the reproaches you could do to your ex?
- When did your ex have disrespected you?
- Remember all the past arguments!
- Ask yourself why you were mad at him/her?
- What are the negative opinions of your loved ones about him and the breakup?
YES! Leave yourself! See why you were not on the same wavelength and try to fix it either to return with your ex or for your next story with another person.
To go even further, you must be irreproachable and have a high level of requirement with yourself. It’s time to talk about good deeds for you. I recommend you continue reading on this site and do everything to take control of your personal life because it is the key to success.
If you do not smile and you stay in your corner, that you are a cold person and not really pleasant, if you do not go out of your comfort zone at the same time at the professional level but also personal, you will not be able to draw a definitive feature on this past that haunts you.
Socialization is the basis of a recovery of self-confidence!

Never neglect the impact of an action even if it seems derisory in appearance!
Forgetting his ex-demands efforts and especially the implementation of actions. I count on you to adopt each of my advice and to make decisions that will radically change your conception of the life of a couple but also of life in general.
For several years I have been accompanying thousands of people to regain a taste for life. I may seem to be repeating myself but it is normal for you to feel destroyed after a breakup. However, if you take the time to integrate this article and have a new state of mind, you will be able to regain control of your emotions and reduce your pain and pain.
I remain available to help you during a specific coaching session. While waiting to hear from you in a private conversation or in the comments area, I wish you the best for the next few days.
Why do you have to cut the bridges with your ex?
To succeed to forget his ex and to turn the page there is no miracle method but a set of tips to scrupulously respect. That’s why I recommend you take action every day. It requires great strength of character and therefore changing your behavior, for example, always wanting to talk with your ex. yes it’s difficult but you can do it. At the bottom of you there are unsuspected resources that you must exploit.
To cut the bridges and to make a cross on his ex is important to avoid putting in excessive demand, but also to stir the knife in the wound and especially not to let the hope invade you.
Of all the people I have coached, the central point that I note is the need to have no regrets. So if you want to try one last action before you forget your ex, I recommend you write him a handwritten letter through which you will finally be able to reveal everything and repeat to you “I gave everything in this story”. But you will eventually have to cut corners by persuading yourself that you have the right to be happy and that you have no other goals than to turn the page and move forward now in your personal life.
How to succeed not to seek the dialogue and to cut the bridges?
To succeed in no longer asking and to cut the bridges with his ex , I can only invite you to occupy your mind and organize many actions to avoid thinking back to the break. You can go even further if you know that you tend to be moved by his behavior and his desires, including deciding to block his number or delete it from social networks.
For everything that concerns your memories, such as photos or even gifts that tend to make you feel bad when you look at them, I invite you to put the set in a box that you put under your bed to avoid rethinking constantly. And pay attention ban to go out by going to sleep! To move forward radical actions are needed.
It is not uncommon to see his ex-come back “take the temperature” ie to try to know if you are still addicted to him/her, and this will allow him simply to reassure you on your feelings but in no case to question yourself. So to avoid falling into the trap of permanent emotional yo-yo, it’s up to you to find the right tips and do not hesitate to make strong decisions. Even if they can hurt the present moment, we must look at the long-term and all the positive that they will bring you.
To successfully stop contact with his ex, I encourage you to close all communication tools, to occupy your mind, to create a timetable with outings and obviously to impose the duty not to crack …
To go even further, why not register on a dating site or participate in singles events? It is the socialization and new encounters that will allow you to better control your emotions and especially to see that you continue to please! Even if the goal is not to fall in love or love in a row, we must see this as a way to move on and revive.
My ex comes back to me but remains toxic: what to do?
If to go ahead after the break you must essentially overcome all your regrets not compared to the past, it is also essential not to keep a possible hope when it comes to changing your ex. Very often I accompany men or women who hope that their ex can finally meet their expectations and who are constantly repeating the same pattern: they take the distance, cracking by recommuning with their ex, hear fine words but the acts do not follow later or they last only a few days at most.
What is very serious from my point of view is the ability to reproduce a pattern where you hope your ex can change and you give him your confidence without changing your standards.
So I propose now to no longer act as usual, to stay even more distant, not to crack and see how your ex evolves when you are no longer acquired (e)?
You must absolutely push the limits when you realize that your ex returns to you but that it remains a toxic love.
How to forget your ex for good and move forward?
I would like to finish this special issue to know how to forget his ex with a more “psychological” analysis. I have indeed worked everyday on many issues and I realize that to move forward and take control of its past it is necessary to have a vision of the future with desires, dreams, goals, ambitions …
So if you really want to know how it is possible to draw a line on his ex and take his life in hand, now is the time to let your desires speak and chart a way of life where you will know what you are want to accomplish in the short term that is to say on the next but also in the longer term, that is to say for the next years and the image or the speech that you would like to transmit to your offspring or your grandchildren.
Challenge yourself!
Let your dreams speak!
Concentrate on pleasure and small moments of happiness!
Adopt a single philosophy of life, to become better (e) day after day without seeking perfection, and you can finally take control of your love life.
Sincere friendship.
Your Love Coach to get your head out of the water after a breakup,