How Do Men Think: You’ll Know Everything!
Relationships between men and women are not always excellent and misunderstanding often reigns supreme! Not that there is a war between the two sexes but simply that the agreement is sometimes difficult, it is not said that men come from March and women from Venus! We must recognize that the dialogue is not always easy and that we have all experienced some difficulties to be understood.
We tend to say that women do not know what they want, that it is impossible to understand them and to fulfill their desires. I will not hide it from you ladies for the majority of men it is not easy to know what are your needs or your expectations. But would not men have this side a little difficult to define? Is it as easy to understand the male and satisfy their needs?
Given the number of women I have accompanied since 2007 due to their difficulties in understanding their half or during the seduction phase, it seems simple to answer this last question. And I realized that you are asking yourself a lot of questions about men whether to seduce them or simply to understand whoever shares your life. Depending on the stories, the sentimental past, the person, the questions evolve and are not the same. However, there are 3 main issues that I was able to meet during my coachings. In order to know how men think and to be able to advance in your sentimental life, you must know the answer to these 3 essential axes.

How do men think what absolutely must know!
It’s time to be really happy in love ladies, you have the right to happiness but to reach it you have to be able to take the lead to reach it. You are already taking an important step by coming to this site. It is indeed necessary to take things in hand and the advice of a man will allow you to get into the head of the one who shares your life or the man you want to crack.
Is sex so important for a man
Of course, one of the main problems that women can experience is that of seducers who want only a part of legs in the air. You are looking for a stable, healthy relationship that is not just based on physical attraction. That’s why you wonder if sex is a priority for a man in a relationship. It is not always easy to tell the difference between a man who is sincerely in love, who wants to live a real love story and a good talker.
Nevertheless, you should not consider sex as a problem. If you follow my philosophy, if you read my many articles as well as my books, you know that to have a strong couple is a set of elements that you need to bring together. They are all related to each other and necessarily sexuality is one of them. Thus, trust, communication, moments together are essential and inevitably sex is also an integral part of this explosive cocktail!
Sex should not be the only priority, but it is one of the elements that should not be overlooked. A man has a libido, that is to say, desires, which may be expressed more often than yours, but we must not have a bad image of this intimate moment, which is to make the love and take pleasure.
How to know when a man starts to have feelings?
Generally, when a woman wants to know what men think, she wants to know if the one with whom she has a relationship is in love in turn. Indeed, this is a problem that many of you know, you are not sure of his feelings. You have to know that men do not necessarily tend to express what they feel, or at least they do it in a different way, which is perhaps not what you expect. So you wonder if it’s a good idea to invest in someone who does not like you as much as you like them.
There are also clichés that do not help ladies to have a good picture of most men. They prefer their friends and a good football game, they think only sex (hence the first question), they are unable to be faithful …
Obviously, there is no smoke without fire and many men are not as white as snow. However, generalizing will not help you to make him fall in love or to build a strong couple. It is important that you focus on your relationship and forget about other women around you, whether your mother, sister, or best friends have lived. There are clear signs to know when a man starts to attach.
So, if the latter takes your news, is interested in what you tell him and especially remember your words, when he takes care of him because he knows that you will see you, then you can consider that there is an attraction at least nascent!
What does Love for Men represent?
Wanting to know what men have in their minds about love is also to wonder what that feeling means to them. The difference between men and women is not only biological. We have two different visions of certain notions and the love life, the way of expressing one’s feelings and seeing love is part of it. While a girl will confide in her friends, a man will tend to remain discreet and not talk about his life as a couple to those around him.
However, do not imagine that what is different is necessarily the opposite. You may have some opinion on how life for two should happen and your man for another, but that does not mean that you can not combine the two and create a couple in your image.
Love is just as important to a man as it is to a woman, but it may not be the same for you. No man wants to be alone, even the greatest seducts get bored and want to live a long and beautiful story. It is an incredible feeling that can certainly hurt but also bring the most beautiful emotions in a life and that we are a man or a woman.
Your coach to know how men think: Rajeev Singh