Content Writer in Chandigarh

Content Writer in Chandigarh

Content Writer in Chandigarh

Communication services
Communication services
Communication will always be a fundamental pillar
in our projects and we know how to do it.

More information

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Digital marketing
Today, online marketing is essential to promote your image and your works, without it you will be lost.

Communication services
Communication services that contribute to the dissemination and promotion of your personal brand and your books.

Promotion and dissemination
Ideal to increase the visibility of writers as well as works published in paper or ebook format.

Editorial services
Editorial services for writing professionals: proofreading, editing, publishing, etc.

Do you have any of these problems?

You need good dissemination and promotion and you don’t know how to do it. You need help to have more visibility.   You try to take advantage of the Internet but you don’t get results.

Could you use a help?

We want to solve any problem or need you have regarding communication and editorial services within the literary field through a team of true professionals in the sector.
Discover everything we can do for you and your projects, you will be surprised!
writers problems

Mission: Connect writers with the rest of the world

Rajeev & Team is a promotion and communication agency for professionals in the world of letters born with the idea of ​​providing a wide range of services related to communication, promotion, dissemination, mentoring, design and marketing for writers.

About us

We have many ideas …

1. Communication

The communication will always be a cornerstone in every project, however, we must know how to use the best tools and supports ideal to get to achieve the desired results.

2. Diffusion

The promotion and dissemination of any writer or book is an essential act for success, and even more so in a sector in which the competition is increasing, which will lead us to draw new and successful strategies.

3. Online marketing

The online marketing and social networks have caused has radically changed the way we communicate. There is a need for a deeper approach and to provide a complete user experience.

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I am pleasantly impressed with the efficiency and professionalism of Freelance Content Writer in Chandigarh with which they have treated my cultural campaign focused on an event about music and poetry. I didn’t know very well if network marketing campaigns were really effective until I contacted them. They have been able to look at the “eye of the hurricane” and thanks to its management in just 48 hours I quadrupled the visits to my videos, the visualizations to my website and the number of my followers on Facebook and other networks increased significantly. I am clear who I want to work with digital promotion from now on. Thank you!!

Rating: 5 stars    
Rajeev Singh

CEO, Cultural manager, MD, Senior Writer

My experience with Freelance Content Writer in Chandigarh was very positive with the campaign. I am satisfied, because in 1 week I significantly increased the number of my followers on social networks, and mainly on instagram. The best thing is that they are followers interested in what I do, that they leave you comments, that they share ideas with me and share what I do. Totally recommended.

Rating: 5 stars    
Anirudh Khurana

Writer, poet

If you are looking for a website with a team of professionals on editing and marketing, to publicize your personal brand or any of your books, in Freelance Content Writer in Chandigarh you will find what you are looking for. In my case, I quickly realized that I was reaching more people interested in the type of literature I was doing, because they have literary groups and platforms to let you know the general public. In addition, I had interviews, one on a radio station, on a well-known radio station in the north of Madrid, and the other in writing, which they later disseminated through the many online platforms they have. The result, together with the price of his work, could not have left me more satisfied …

Rating: 5 stars    
Meghna Sharma


The social media platforms for us writers have taken on top importance today. I had the opportunity to work with Freelance Content Writer in Chandigarh and, of course, I would repeat the experience. Working with them has allowed me to increase the visibility of my work and my publications, as well as the promotion of my book to the desired and engaged audience both in websites, as in blogs, in profiles of different social networks … I have been receiving messages from new readers who did not know about me, and that thanks to the wide dissemination and care of published content, they have reached my audience. They offer a large number of formats, possibilities and communication has been tremendously effective and fast. Thanks to all the team!

Rating: 5 stars    
Sudhir Modgil




Satisfaction guaranteed
30 day warranty

How to promote your book for FREE

You have written a book, you are thinking about how to promote it and you don’t know where to start … Discover how to do it by contacting us for free.
Whatsapp +918591191150

Some of our projects

We have large communities in social networks, in total more than  3,500,000 users