A Positive Attitude Can Change Your Life!
There are two ways to look at life. The first is to think that miracles do not exist and that everything around us is just a chain of coincidences. The other is to see miracles all around us and to know that every situation, every thought, emotion or reaction means something special. Each of the two paths implies different results, a different life.
It is important to understand and accept that it is up to us to choose between which of these two visions we plan to live our lives. There is no scientific publication that can show us which of the two is the best. No religious doctrine could give us an unequivocal answer to this question. It depends only on us.

What is a positive attitude?
Positive attitude is living our life by believing that everything around us carries a special message and is there to help us grow, to be happy, fulfilled and useful to ourselves and to the people. other.
Positive attitude is not just positive thinking. We can, like everyone else, think of nice things, but it will not make a big difference in our lives if we do not have a deeper understanding of things.
Having positive thoughts is nice, but it is not enough. Some people decide that they will get everything they want only by thinking of the good things or that it will magically appear in their life.
With a positive attitude we see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen. It’s a state of mind.
The positive attitude manifests itself as follows:
- Positive thinking
- Constructive reflection
- Creative thinking
- optimism
- Motivation and energy to do things and achieve goals
- An attitude of happiness
By being in the positive state of mind:
- You expect success, not failure
- You feel more inspired
- You have the strength not to give up, if you encounter obstacles on your way
- You consider failure and problems as a blessing in disguise
- You believe in yourself and in your abilities
- You show more self-esteem and confidence
- Looking for solutions, instead of dwelling on the problems
- You see and recognize the possibilities
If the positive attitude is to see miracles in all around us, the negative attitude is to think that everything is an accident and does not mean anything special, it just happens.
You’ve probably already guessed it yourself, that’s the dominant philosophy in the world we live in. We do not believe in miracles. That’s why we have not learned to recognize them.
It is also the main reason why many of us live a life of misunderstanding, stress, anxiety, illness, anger, jealousy and intolerance.
To believe that everything is random is to believe that you have no control over your existence. And this is a detrimental perspective to the individual in general.
Let’s look at the world today. From childhood, we are told that we are constantly in danger. That the unknown hides behind every angle and we must always be ready to face the most difficult circumstances.
On television we are constantly shown examples of people who have suffered from the unknown. At school we are taught to protect ourselves from the unknown. And if we grow up in a religious family, we are usually threatened with a God who punishes us for our sins.
This state of mind leads the man to live waiting for events. He creates in him an anticipation of unforeseen misfortunes and the discharge of his personal responsibility for things that happen to him.

If I do not know what will happen to me and if Providence can punish me at any time for a divine accident or curse, I will not be able to take responsibility for the consequences of this accident. It means that I am not responsible for my life. It’s a negative attitude. And what is the result? It is quite obvious to all.
Modern society educates victims. These are people who think that someone else is responsible for their lives, someone else is responsible for their failures and someone else must save them from the misery of their own ignorance.
These people are not guilty of their ignorance. They were educated as well. To be victims of circumstances, government, genes, neighbors, traffic, God and especially themselves.
These people are very unhappy. They rarely reach anything remarkable in their life. They are afraid to set real goals. They spend their day looking for someone else’s fault and despise the circumstances.
These people have no information about their nature and do not know their true potential. They do not believe in themselves. Thus, they condemn themselves to misery forever.
Many people repeat the life of their parents. They do not know how to develop their own talents. They do not grow up in harmony with their natural desires, passions, and talents because they have learned to respect the limits of their parents and the environment in which they grew up.
Thus it reproduces a society of victims who voluntarily kill their creative potential because of the obsolete beliefs of others. Generations grow in this system. Millions of unhappy people are giving up their dreams because they MUST do something else.
Millions of parents teach their children to be content with circumstances because “this is life”. But this “precious” advice is no longer true. Life is such that you do it. Science proves it, people show it.
You are the author of your life. You create the reality around you. And you do it with your attitude.
A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life fills with light. This light does not only affect you and the way you look at the world, but it also affects your entire environment and the people around you. If this attitude is strong enough, it becomes contagious. It’s like a light radiating around you.
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Be positive!