How to Hire a Copywriter for Your Ecommerce Business

If there was ever a task that most e-commerce professionals do not think about starting a store , it’s writing.
Owners of small, medium and large businesses realize that they have to wear many hats, from accountant to pro marketing , but copywriter? This seems a little tedious, especially if your website contains dozens of pages associated with hundreds of products.
In this guide, we’ll explain how to find a copywriter that fits the culture of your business, even if it’s only a freelancer who will work with you on an “as needed” basis.

Why do you need to find a good copywriter for an ecommerce store?

When hiring a copywriter online, you need to look at the resumes, portfolios and everything the editor offers you.
Vetting your copywriter is extremely important because this writing (on your product pages, home page, contact page, About Us page, and everywhere else on your website) builds the entire base of your SEO .
If the editor does not look natural or if she tries to put too many buzzwords or keywords, Google will notice and hit the results of your site. Or, you’re just not going to be considered a credible place of sale.
It is also essential to appease visitors to your human site.
Obviously, you want to draw attention to places like the home page, but the product descriptions are where the real magic happens .
Now, obviously, there are many ways to write product descriptions on a platform such as Shopify or any other reason, but that’s why it’s so important to find someone who understands your culture. business and your clientele or hiring someone willing to learn.
Take, for example, BPI Sports. The editor clearly understands what bodybuilders and athletes appreciate in their supplements. She highlighted the most important nutritional facts in relation to the full description of the product. Then, the secondary information is well organized in chips.
Method Home has an extremely different clientele, so it makes sense that they hire a copywriter who thinks about artists, creators and those who might want to help non-profit organizations. It’s a simple handsoap, but this emphasis on the company sets it apart.

Choose the right places to share your Copywriter Wanted ads

Here is a fact:
You do not always need to hire the best copywriter.
For example, some product descriptions require only a few changes, or sometimes you only try to get certain products on your website without spending an arm and a leg.
In this case, the unique freelance services found at places like Upwork and are quite good. is a cluttered mess of a site, but you will find plenty of decent editors.
For the most experienced editors, it is at this point that we turn to specialized sites. It’s certainly worth doing a search on Google to locate it yourself (and you’ll find some local job sites that may also be useful), but we have a few favorites to start with:

Examples of workstation models

There is no reason to stick a copywriting workstation template in this article because there are tons of them online. In addition, yours should be modified to suit the needs of your business. All have job description templates copywriter for you to start. However, I would focus more on job postings to see what other companies have also shared.
How to Hire a Copywriter for Your Ecommerce Business
That said, we have certain rules to follow when posting your post:
  • Choose a niche – If an editor claims to do everything from blog posts to marketing materials and product descriptions, try looking elsewhere. For example, if all you need are blog posts, find someone who specializes in this. I hope in your own niche.
  • Decide on Skill Level – Not all writers are as good as others, so you can sometimes save a little money if you only need basic product descriptions.
  • Do not Hire SEO Pros – These self-proclaimed SEO professionals will never be better than an experienced copywriter knowing the basics of inserting the right keywords into their copy. Most “SEO Pros” are terrible writers.
  • Do not harp on conversion rates – A quality copywriter is not a professional analyst. You engage them to create engaging, fun or professional content. They may sprinkle some keywords for you, but the best writers are not going to work for you if you expect them to reach the conversion numbers. It’s your job, or someone else you hire.

How to hire a copywriter: veterinary candidates

When you start sharing your job posting on certain forums or communities of freelancers, waves of applications will begin to arrive.
It’s good to take a look at resumes and resumes, but it’s not very important when hiring a copywriter.
People can say anything on a resume, so you prefer to test the editor as you would if you hired a chef for a restaurant.

Round 1

The first round is where you ask the candidates to complete a test. This test has no questions, but rather tasks on which they must work.
Focus only on the projects they would do if they were hired. For example, if the job requires them to write product descriptions, pay them a little money to work on five to ten descriptions only for your company.
If they have to fill in regular blog posts, ask for one or two complete articles that they think will work well on your blog.

Round 2

After choosing your favorites, you may still have to cut a few people. If this is the case, send each candidate changes or items that may be improved. You may not be doing so much during the work process, but it can really eliminate bad writers because good writers are willing to hear comments and make changes.

Follow these methods to find a copywriter you need

The process is not so complicated once you’ve read it, but the main point to remember is that you’re trying to make your brand unique. Forget the SEO and return on investment, but find a writer who knows the language and grammar, but also makes your business unique.
What factors do you consider when hiring a copywriterShare with us in the comment section below!
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